Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lily Owens Characterization

Lily Owens is a complex character that went through a trauma in her childhood that affects her as we read the first chapter. She lives alone with her father after her mother died in an accident years before. Her father, T. Ray, owns a peach farm and has Lily working at a peach stand to sell them during the summer. Lily and T. Ray have a black maid, Rosalie, who Lily sees as a surrogate mother. She even fantasize about Rosalie being white and marrying T. Ray, or her and T. Ray being black and living like a family with Rosalie. Lily seeks attention and love from T.Ray, but knows that he will not give it to her freely. After an accident when she was around four years old, in which she killed her mother with a gun she picked up off the floor, her father, T. Ray rarely acknowledges her. He makes her work for him during the summers, he doesn't buy her things, and he doesn't acknowledge any of her attempts for attention and affection. T. Ray doesn't allow her to read even though she has â⠂¬Ëœscored the highest number a human being an get on their verbal aptitude test' because he says that he cannot afford to send her to college.Because of this Lily never thought of aspiring to anything other than working for T. Ray, but when her teachers told her otherwise, it opened her eyes to the possibility of a future for her. Lily in appearance is a young teen who is fourteen years old, with ‘UN-cool' clothes and wild hair. Her clothes are UN-cool because she makes them herself and T. Ray doesn't want to waste money on things like clothes for young girls. Lily believes her eyes are nice like ‘Sophia Lore's' and that she doesn't have much of a chin.Her description of her hair was that ‘it was constantly going off in eleven wrong directions' and that her ‘black hair is a nest of cowlicks'. She is disappointed with how she looks and thinks that she has a hard time ‘being a girl'. Lily's mom's name was Deborah, which T. Ray refuses to say. T. Ray rare ly tells Lily things about her mother, and she misses having one for moments like buying bras and getting her first period. She doesn't know much about her mother, but found some of her mementos in the attic.These mementos are: a photo of her mother, a pair of white gloves, and a small wooden picture of a black Mary with â€Å"Tiburon, S. C. † scratched into the back. She took these and put them in a tin box and buried them in the orchard in her ‘secret place'. After Lily is punished by her father for being caught out in the orchard she loses all hope of T. Ray loving her at all. She decides to stand up to T. Ray even in a silent ay and plans of leaving to make her own future.How To Register To Vote: Voter Eligibility: * You must be a U. S. Citizen. * You must be 18 years old (17 in some states) How to Register: * You can register to vote by mail. * Or you can register to vote at these places: motor vehicles * Armed services recruitment centers * Public assistance agenc ies * Any public facility that a state has designated as a voter registration agency * State-funded programs that serve people with disabilities * In some states you can register to vote online.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Dishonesty of Honest People

Focus on two mechanisms that people employ to maintain their positive self-concept: digitization and attention to standards. 2. Overview of Theory and Hypothesis Theory†. The theory of self-concept maintenance suggests that people typically act dishonestly and achieve external benefits from said acts, but only to the extent that their behavior stills allows them to maintain a positive view of themselves in terms of being honest. Hypothesis: The stuffs main hypothesis stems from the theory of self- concept maintenance (explained above). People facing this motivational dilemma – gaining from cheating vs.. Maintaining a positive self-concept as honest individuals – tend to solve it adaptively by finding a balance between he two motivating forces. They do so in order to acquire some financial benefit from behaving dishonestly while still maintaining their positive self- concept. 1 . The band of acceptable dishonesty is limited by internal reward considerations. 2. The size of this band depends on one's ability to categorize actions as something other than dishonest, as well as the attention that they pay to their standards for honesty at the time of the dishonest act.Although there may be many ways to find such a compromise, the study focuses on two particular means; categorization and attention to standards. Categorization: The study explains, ‘When this mechanism is activated, people can categorize their actions in more compatible terms, find rationalizations for their actions, and ultimately avoid triggering any negative self-signals that might affect their self-concept, which will therefore not get updated†. Two important aspects of categorization are its relative ease and its limit. The exact ease/difficult of an act is typically defined by its context.The study uses the following example – â€Å"Intuition suggests that it is easier to steal a OIC pencil from a friend than to teal OIC out of this friend's wallet to buy a pencil, because the former scenario offers more possibilities to categorize the action in terms that are compatible with friendship (he took a pencil from me once; this is what friends do). † It also suggests that one's ability to categorize acts has a limit beyond which people can no longer deny their obvious wrongdoings. The study seeks to define said threshold.Attention to Standards: When people are mindful Of their own moral standards any dishonest action is more likely to be reflected in their self- concept (they will update their self-concept as a consequence of their actions), which in turn will cause them to adhere to a stricter definition of an honest and a dishonest act. However, when individuals are not mindful of their own moral standards their actions are not measured relative to them, and therefore their self-concept is less likely to be updated, and their behavior is likely to diverge from their standards.Thus, the attention to standards mechanism predicts that in cases in which ones moral standards are more accessible, people will have to confront the meaning of their actions more readily and therefore be more honest. SUMMARY PHI: Dishonesty will increase as individuals pay less attention to their own standards for honesty. PH: Dishonesty will increase when individuals face situations that are more easily categorized in honesty-compatible terms. PH: Given the opportunity to be dishonest, individuals will be dishonest up to a level that does not force them to update their self-concept. . Overview of Methodology Experiment 1: Moral Reminder Two hundred twenty-nine students participated in this experiment, which consisted of a two-task paradigm as part of a broader experimental session with multiple, unrelated paper-and-pencil tasks that appeared together in a toilet. 1 . In the first task, respondents were asked to either write down the names of 10 books they had read in high school (no moral reminder) or the Ten Commandments (moral remind er). They had two minutes to complete this task. . In the second task each student received two sheets of paper: a test sheet and an answer sheet. The test sheet consisted of 20 matrices. Participants had four minutes in which to find two numbers per matrix that added up to 10. Experiment 2: Honor Code Two hundred seven students participated in this experiment. Two factors between participants were manipulated: the amount earned per correctly loved matrix (ICC and $2) and the attention to standards (control, recycle, recycle+honor code). 1.The control and recycle conditions were identical to those in the previous experiment, except this time, the experimenter paid each participant, and the task lasted five minutes. 2. The recycle+honor code condition was similar to the recycle condition except that respondents were asked to sign a statement appearing at the top of the test sheet that read: â€Å"l understand that this short survey falls under Mitt's [Yale's] honor system†; be low the statement, participants printed and signed their names.Thus, the nor code statement appeared on the same sheet as the matrices, and this sheet was recycled before participants submitted their answer sheets. Experiment 3: Token Exchange Four hundred fifty students participated in this experiment. Participants had five minutes to complete this task and were promised SOC for each correctly solved matrix. Three be;en-subjects conditions were used: the control and recycle conditions that we used in Experiment 2, and a recycle+token condition.The latter condition was similar to the recycle condition, except that participants knew that each correctly solved matrix would earn them 1 ken, which they would exchange for ICC a few seconds later. When the five minutes ended, participants in the recycle+token condition recycled their test sheet and submitted only their answer sheet to an experimenter, who gave them the corresponding number of tokens. Participants then went to a second exp erimenter, who exchanged the tokens for money (this experimenter also paid the participants in the control and recycle conditions).Experiment 4: Four-Task Paradigm Forty-four students participated in this experiment, which consisted of a four- task paradigm-?a matrix task, a personality test, a prediction task, and a second matrix task. 1 . Matrix 1: The same control and recycle conditions Of the matrix task from Experiment 2 were repeated. Participants randomly assigned to either of these two conditions had five minutes to complete the task and received SOC per correctly solved matrix.The only difference from Experiment 2 was that all participants (notes those in the recycle condition) were asked to report how many matrices they had solved correctly. Participants in the control condition submitted both the test and the answer sheets to the experimenter, who verified their answers. Those in the recycle notation recycle their test and just handed in their answers. 2. Personality Test : 10-item tests were handed out, and embedded in these tests was two questions related to self-definition as it relates to honesty.One question asked how honest a person they considered themselves to be on a scale from O (not at all) to 100 (very). The other question asked participants how they thought of themselves at the time of the survey in contrast to the day before in terms of being a moral person on a scale from -5 (much worse) to 5 (much better). 3. Prediction Task: Participants would next participate in a second vive-minute matrix task. Before taking part in it their task was to predict how many matrices they would be able to solve and indicate how confident they were with their predictions on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 100 (very).Before making these predictions, it was made clear to participants that the next matrix task left no room to over-claim as the experimenter would check the results. Furthermore, participants were informed that this second test would consist of a different set of matrices, and the payment would depend on both the accuracy of their prediction and their performance. If their prediction was 00% accurate, they would earn ICC per correctly solved matrix, but for each matrix they solved more or less than what they predicted, their payment per matrix would be reduced by C.The experimenter emphasized that this payment scheme meant that it was in their best interests to be as accurate as possible in their predictions and to solve as many matrices as they could. 4. Matrix 2: The final task was the matrix task (as in the control condition) with a different set of numbers. The entire experiment thus represented a two- condition, between-subjects design, differing only in the first matrix task possibility to cheat).The three remaining tasks (a personality test, a prediction task, and a second matrix task) were the same for all participants. Experiment 5 One hundred eight students participated in this experiment. Two factors were manip ulated between participants: the ability to cheat (control and recycle, as in Experiments 2 and 3) and beliefs about the number of matrices that the average student solves in the time allotted (four matrices, which is the accurate number, or eight matrices which was an exaggeration).As before, the DVD was the number of matrices reported solved. Experiment 6 This experiment entailed multiple, small sessions, in which each participant sat in a private booth (total of 326 participants). The first part of the procedure remained the same for all four conditions, but the second part varied. All participants received a test with 50 multiple-choice, general knowledge questions, had 15 minutes to answer the questions, and were promised OIC for each question they solve correctly.After the 15 minutes, participants received a â€Å"bubble sheet' onto which to transfer their answers. The manipulation of the four conditions pertained to the type of bubble sheet ND to what participants had to do with it after transferring their answers. 1 Control: Participants received a standard bubble sheet. When they finished transferring their answers, they handed both the test and the bubble sheet to the experimenter who checked their answers, summed the number of correct answers, and paid them. 2.No-recycle (first cheating condition): The bubble sheet had the correct answers pre-marked, which prompted a dilemma for participants when they faced a question they had answered incorrectly on their test sheet; they could be honest and mark the corresponding incorrect ricer on the bubble sheet or be dishonest and mark the correct circle. After participants finished transferring their answers, they summed up the number of their correct answers, wrote that number at the top of the bubble sheet, and handed both the test and the bubble sheet to the experimenter, who paid them according to their self-summed score.In this condition, subjects could cheat with some risk that the experimenter might d iscover it if she compared the test to the bubble sheet. 3. Recycle (second cheating condition): This condition was similar to the no-recycle condition, with the preference that participants were instructed, after transferring their answers to the pre-marked bubble sheet, to walk to a shredder, shred their original test sheet, and take only the bubble sheet to the experimenter, at which point they would be paid accordingly. Because of the shredding, this condition offered a lower probability of being caught cheating. 4.Recycle+ (third cheating condition): This condition decreased the probability of being caught even further by instructing participants to shred both their test sheet and the bubble sheet, walk over to a large jar with money at the corner of the room, ND take the amount they earned. In addition, by making the payment â€Å"self; service†, the recycle+ condition eliminated any interactions with the experimenter, thereby decreasing social concerns with cheating. 4 . Main Findings 1. Given the opportunity, people will engage in dishonest behaviors. 2. Increasing attention to internal honesty standards decreases the tendency for dishonesty. . Allowing more flexible categorization increases the tendency for dishonesty. 4. The magnitude of dishonesty is largely insensitive to either the expected external benefits or costs associated with dishonest acts. 5. People know that their actions are dishonest but do not update their self- concepts. 5. Application Economics: â€Å"The theory we propose can in principle be incorporated into economic models. Some formalization related to our theory appears in recent economic theories of utility minimization based on models of self-signaling (Abdomen and Propel 2001 ) and identity (Bnabob and Triple 2004, 2006).These recent approaches convey a slowly spreading conviction among economists that to study moral and social norms, altruism, reciprocity, or antisocial behavior, we must understand the underlying psy chological titivation that vary endogenously with the environment. These models can be adopted to account for self-concept maintenance by incorporating categorization and attention: increasing attention to personal standards for honesty (meta-utility function and salience parameter s 1, respectively) and flexibility for categorization (interpretation function and probability 1-0, respectively).The data presented herein offer further guidance on the development of such models. In our minds, the interplay between these formal models and the empirical evidence we provide represents a fruitful and promising research direction. Psychology: â€Å"Some insights regarding the functional from in which the external and internal rewards work together emerge from the data, and these findings also could provide useful paths for further investigations in both economics and psychology. For example, the results in Experiment 6 showed that increasing the level of external costs (probability of bein g caught) did not decrease the level of dishonesty.This finding raises the possibility of a relationship that appears like a step function in which dishonesty up to a certain level is trivial, but beyond that threshold, it takes on a more serious, ND costly, meaning. † 6. Limitations of Research 1 . Arguably, at some point at which the external rewards become very high, they should tempt the person sufficiently to prevail (because the reward is much larger than the internal costs), such that ultimately behavior would be largely influenced by external rewards. 2.Another important applied speculation involves the medium experiment. As society moves away from cash, and electronic exchanges become more prevalent, mediums are rapidly increasing in the economy. Again, if we take the results at face value, we should pay particular attention to dishonesty in hose new mediums (e. G. , backdating stocks), because they provide opportunities for under-the-radar dishonesty. Another interes ting observation is that the medium experiment did not only allow people to cheat more, but it also increased the level of maximal cheating.In the medium experiment we observed 24 participants who cheated maximally, which indicated that the tokens not only allowed people to elevate their acceptable magnitude of dishonesty but also liberated some participants from the shackles of their morality altogether. â€Å"When we consider the applied implications of these results, we must emphasize that our findings stem from experiments not with criminals but with students at elite universities, people who likely will play important roles in the advancement of this country and who seem a lot like us and others we know.The prevalence of dishonesty among these people and the finding that on an individual level, the magnitude of dishonesty was typically somewhat honest rather than completely dishonest suggests that we have tapped into what common, everyday behavior is about. As Gladstone and Ch in (1993) conclude, people seem to be moral relativists in their everyday lives.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Operation and Competition Situation of UK Oil & Gas Industry Essay

Operation and Competition Situation of UK Oil & Gas Industry - Essay Example The major rationale for selecting this industry however is that, regardless of its important place in UK’s economy, growth in the sector has not been steady in the last few years as seen in figure 1 below. The paper therefore tries to critique the cause and finds solutions from the perspective of selected companies. BP was selected to be a general representation of larger oil and gas companies whose daily production is beyond 1,000,000 barrels a day. On the whole, the rationale behind the selection of BP is the diversity and differences it offers in its business and marketing approaches as a large company. The selection of Cairn was for the reason of the fact that the company gave a perfect representation of smaller oil and gas companies whose daily production is below 35,000 barrels a day. The company also uses a focus strategic option, which makes it possible to compare this strategic option with other companies to determine its effects. As depicted in figure 2, it will be seen that in terms of production units, it can be said that the selection of Premier have been made based on medium market size with production above 35,000 barrels but less than 100,000 barrels. This is an important rationale to pursue, given the fact that the individual growth of these companies will turn out to be collective growth of the oil and gas industry in the UK (Ferguson, 2004). Gross profit margin: This is a type of profitability financial ratio that measures financial health by estimating proportion of money left over from the company’s revenues after accounting for the cost of goods sold (COGS) (Weston, 1990). This gross profit margin is selected to determine how financially healthy the companies are, which is; Net profit margin: This is another profitability measure that determines how much each pound earned by the company is turned into profits (Houston and Brigham, 2009). This is selected in the study to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Types of Technology in a Business Environment Research Paper

Types of Technology in a Business Environment - Research Paper Example Technology is crucial for war, peace, business, and life. This is the reason why man has abandoned the technology of the bow and arrows to move on to the technology of the nuclear bomb. It is also the rationale why man has to improve his means of communication. Businesses prosper and become competitive only when the most advanced technology is used and life only becomes comfortable when the most advanced technology is tapped. Given the current economic environment of financial crisis where costs have to be tapered down and yet operational efficiency and power must be maintained, technology is a crucial part of the solution for business survival. It is therefore imperative to look into the types of technology that businesses can use to maintain competitiveness, efficiency, and survival if not profitability. In this work, I looked into four types of technology which I believe businesses will have to access if they want to be competitive in their industry. My impression is that the tech nologies that I will discuss will enable businesses to cut on labor and professional costs while making work and life easier for labor as they make the latter more productive. One type of technology which I consider has been significantly changing the way we conduct businesses are the mobile computers. Of course, we have witnessed how the laptop enabled an element of the work force to be productive wherever he or she may be. The laptop enabled the businessman to bring anywhere not only his or her organization’s business data.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Social Policy in Healthcare of Germany and France Essay - 1

Social Policy in Healthcare of Germany and France - Essay Example Apart from this, the essay will also discuss the key characteristics of the social policies with respect to the aforementioned two countries. On a further note, the essay will relate to the implications of the healthcare policies with respect to France and Germany. Furthermore, the social policy field i.e. healthcare would be analyzed from the perspective of two comparative perspectives i.e. convergence/functionality and path dependency/institutionalist. The healthcare policies are formulated with the sole intention of providing the society with better the  healthcare prospects. The approaches with respect to healthcare services generally include proper financing framework and effective governmental regulations (Mahmud & Parkhurst, 2007). In relation to determining the key characteristics of German healthcare system in recent years, it can be apparently observed that the system has undergone massive changes with the aim of developing the healthcare reforms and regulations. These changes being executed in an effective manner would certainly assist the government in reducing the ‘Spiralling costs’ that are associated with the healthcare reforms. In Germany, it has been often observed that the individuals who earn below â‚ ¬49,500 are usually provided with the benefit of ‘statutory health insurance scheme’ (SHI). Apart from the insurer, the SHI scheme provides coverage to the insurer’s dependence al so. Germany’s social insurance system was established in the year 1883. In this respect, there exist few principles related to health care policies in Germany. These principles being identified as solidarity, subsidiarity, and corporatism (Reibling, 2010) The principle of solidarity signifies taking responsibilities by the governments of helping the society at large in terms of indulging into the conduct of various initiatives. It is worth mentioning that these funds are basically financed through the payroll taxes.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Criminal Justice - Essay Example Honestly, some of what I’ve seen have met my expectations while some have just not. What I’ve seen in the death row cell like it only accommodates one prison is expected for it is just like what I have viewed in movies. On the one hand, the sight of a secure cell and cell housing unit are also expected. However, when I have seen the open dorm housing unit, it is really something I have not imagined. Well, it is just that I have not visualized that prisoners can be housed as if they are just in a dormitory given that they are prisoned. In this kind of setting, the inmates are privileged to interact normally and closely to an open environment. Being an inmate housed in an open dormitory is really a benefit for being capable to interact to more people and also because they are situated in an open bay. And when you go outside the prison, its compound is really huge enough to see all its other buildings. On the overall, I can say that the Florida prison has an environment be tter than the other prisons and even far better than the slums in the third world countries. Through the virtual tour, I can say that the Florida prison is neat and orderly where prisoners can be treated fine enough as human beings. One among the prisons in Florida is the Main Detention Center. As Palm Beach County Sheriff Office states in its website, it happens to be the biggest building as it comprises a huge land area of 835,000 square feet and it is the most secured among the correctional facilities situated in a headquarter complex in West Palm Beach. This detention center is really huge enough to contain a total of 2,156 bed capacities including the beddings intended for services of infirmary and special management. In terms of population, Main Detention Center is housed with both males and females whose age can be adults or young adults. Majority of its prisoners are adult males who are not yet sentenced and are just about to go a court trial whereas the minority of the inma tes are adult females who are just their first time to be jailed and those who are in need of such particular medical or mental condition assistance. It is important to note that main detention center also accommodates the young female adult as well as the young adult males. Through the website of Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, it can be sensed that they have active participation on presenting services to their community through the Community Services Division. This division is further separated into four categories such as the Community Operations Bureau, Countywide Operations, Domestic Violence Unit and the Police Athletic League. Each group is specializing in a particular field in order to serve and protect the community. They all work together for the advantage of the community. In order to cut off the possibility of crime, the division of Community Operations Bureau of Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office has ensured a number of law enforcement officers to be d elegated in each unit. Their preventive measures are dedicated to guarantee the value life among the citizens and as well as the advancement of its businesses. One among its services called Broken Star Fund is given to its dedicated workers together with their respective

Search for Extraterrestrial Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Search for Extraterrestrial Life - Essay Example Forrest Gump even likens life to a box of chocolates! This gives us a lasting notion that it is very difficult to define life in a single dictionary meaning. There are efforts that try to delineate life from non-life to give us a clear perspective. In fact, the only planet that is capable of supporting life is the big blue one we are living in right now. What does earth possess that other planets, stars and cosmic bodies don't Is there yet an undiscovered life outside of earth Gradually, we can try and analyze the answers to these questions through an intense exploration of life and its characteristics. There are no definite properties of life. Authors have tried and listed ten or more observable properties that seem to adhere to the principles of physics, chemistry and mathematics. Harold J Morowitz pointed out six features on what life is simply based on. Living things are capable of "(1) reproduction; (2) growth; (3) metabolism; (4) movement; (5) responsiveness; and (6) adaptation" (242). It is indeed likely that these six characteristics are possessed by all living things because plants and animals reproduce following the law that reproduction only occurs within a species. Inanimate rocks do not reproduce instead they split up or break down to make smaller pieces. Even the littlest bacterium has a mechanism of splitting itself or combinatorial joining with another bacterium. Special plants can reproduce by budding their leaves to produce another organism separate from the original. Certainly, reproduction will not make sense if the progenies do not develop into a mature individ ual so it is very certain that development should follow. With growth, there is differentiation of the different cells into the supposed make-up of the whole organism. Every structure corresponds to its specific function. For example, the human eyes will develop into something capable of seeing and the legs into resilient limbs capable of running and balancing the whole body. Metabolism is defined as the "totality of an organism's chemical processes" (Campbell 83). This is a fusion of the chemical, physical and biological processes that occur within the organism to sustain life. In animals, this can include the digestion of food that would later be converted to energy, the breathing process, and the blood flow along the veins and arteries. For plants though, metabolism can be observed in the production of food from light energy termed as photosynthesis. Movement is a property is visibly manifested in animals and hardly noticeable in plants. This property can easily be misinterpreted because movement is not exclusive to living things. While animals move about freely to search for food, plants on the other hand make their own food so movement is unnecessary except for internal processes such as the exchange of food within cells. All living things also share the same property of responsiveness to a certain stimuli. This can be used as a mechanism of defense or a simple reaction to a chemical attractant. This property is very important for the living organism's to respond to the different changes in the environment. Lastly, living organisms that have the ability to reproduce, develop, move, use up energy and respond to the environment must learn how to adapt in various conditions to allow them to survive in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

European Film Studies - How useful is the concept of the auteur in the Essay

European Film Studies - How useful is the concept of the auteur in the context of post-war European cinema - Essay Example This system emerged due to the increase in demand for films from Hollywood. The system evolved gradually in the years following the World War 1, which ended in 1918. To meet the demand for more movies, it focused more on quantity than on quality. It was Thomas Ince, himself a film director (Civilization, [1916] was his best known film) who conceived film production as a factory system, thus paving the way for the emergence of Hollywood studio system. Adolph Zukor, the long time head of Paramount Pictures, was another key personality who played a major role in the development of the studio system in Hollywood. He is the one who conceived the idea of the star system, which converted actors into stars and made them commercially salable icons. The studio system consisted of companies that owned the studios where films were produced. These companies decided the material to be filmed; they owned and controlled regularly paid stars who were treated like workers, (â€Å"More stars than there are in the heaven† was the motto of Metro –Goldwyn Mayer, one of the five major film producing companies in Hollywood, during it’s hey day), dictated which directors would make which films. Their motto was to produce more movies at lower cost. It was this powerful studio system that ran Hollywood from the late 20s through the 60s. Thus production process was broken down to and organized into various compartments. The producer with a budget was the central figure. Under him there were directors, Script writers, actors, technicians, mechanics, costumers, makeup men and people who took care of the publicity materials. It was an entertainment factory with clear division of labor. The production plan for every year is prep ared well in advance; budget decided and the assembly line is kept flowing. EMERGENCE OF ATEURISM: The problems with the trends in Hollywood stem from the fact that they are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reconstruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reconstruction - Essay Example ved their freedom from their white masters, African Americans would celebrate their newly won liberties and rights in the years following the war – also referred by historians as the period of Reconstruction. In the book America: A Concise History by James Henretta and David Bordy, we get in-depth analysis and commentary on this crucial period in American history. We learn from the text that the Reconstruction project is largely a failure. The acceding of eleven defeated Southern states into the Union was going to be a highly challenging process due to cultural and political dissimilarities between the two former warring groups. Indeed, the non-viability of this proposition had what ultimately led to the abandonment of Reconstruction efforts; and much of the bipartisanship seen in American politics today is proof of this deep division in the countrys social and political makeup. Immediately after the Civil War an atmosphere of euphoria prevailed, when intellectuals and common people alike dreamt of a radically new American society. But as the initial excitement of the Reconstruction era faded out, people came to the realization that old, established institutions would not change readily. In many ways the Civil Rights movement that occurred a century later was a reaction to the failure of the Reconstruction project. In this sense, the progress of American society was effectively held back for a hundred

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Global strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global strategy - Essay Example Statistics also show that approximately 47% of the company’s sales were coming from the outside markets beyond the US home business. The company had also diversified its business interests, and it sold nearly everything including, but not limited to books, digital music and jewellery. Despite its acclaimed success and impeccable international reputation, Amazon has undergone through a number of challenges, which have been weathered successfully and efficiently. Some of the challenges that have bedevilled the company over the years include the failing shareholder attitudes and the current global financial crisis. The firm has continuously taken strategic decisions and actions geared towards sustainability and financial prosperity; this has seen it grow with an edge above its rivals in the electronic trade industry. This paper will dwell on, among other things: the dominant strategy-shaping economic and competitive characteristics of Amazon, qualitative assessment of by use of Porter’s five Forces model, critical success factors of, and the SWOT analysis of What are the dominant strategy shaping economic and competitive characteristics of Amazon? Any business is obliged to meet its obligations to both the shareholders and consumers respectively, that is, it should be profitable as well as cater for consumer satisfaction needs. In this regard, Amazon, like any other business in the world, has such obligations to meet. Since its inception in the year 1995, the company has experienced tremendous growth that has long surpassed its primary goal of becoming the largest and best bookstore in the world. However, according to Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezzo, it is up to others to determine if the Amazon has achieved its goal of being the most ‘customer-centric’ company in the world (Stockport 2009, p.574). Amazon aims at providing consumers with their needs, introducing consumers to innovations and store personal ization to cater for diverse consumer tastes and preferences. In order to achieve these goals, Amazon has adopted a number of strategies that act as a roadmap to economic prosperity and sustainability. Firstly, Amazon has adopted a three pillar strategy that comprises of ‘selection’, ‘price’ and ‘convenience’ (Stockport 2009, p.575). The selection pillar entails offering a diversified range of products and services; for instance, this includes retail products, software and cloud computing services. Under the price pillar, Amazon commits to price leadership with due regard for quality of products and services. For instance, the firm provides free transport to customers with expedient delivery. The convenience pillar dwells on ensuring customer satisfaction through the provision of relevant and effective goods and services. Amazon strives to understand customer needs and requirements through customer review and feedback reports on its products an d services. Amazon’s staff recruitment process has also been tailored to promote achievement of the company’s primary goal (becoming the world’s most ‘customer centric’ company). The company does not choose employees on the basis of their skills, but rather on the basis of their need to meet customer needs and expectations. Bezzo argues that in the changing world, skills that are needed today may not be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Qvc Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

Qvc Case Analysis Essay Case QVC Author: NA HG495 – Case Analysis Instructor: NA Abstract This case analysis will be focused on the company QVC (Quality, Value, and Convenience). We will perform an analysis review, which, will provide a comprehensive insight into the company’s historical and current business structures, strategies and efficiencies in their operations. It will include a detailed SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) (Humphrey) and the primary activities of the Value Chain Analysis (Porter), to provide greater insight into the firms’ competitive advantage. These key concepts will be used to analyze QVC’s business model, define potential challenges and initiate a plan of execution. We will then recommend solutions such as advocating products with higher profit margins, finding evolving technologies and untapped markets and streamlining logistics. These strategies would expand the customer base and create higher ROI (Return of Investment), positioning the company towards timely growth. Introduction: QVC is a multimedia retailer, specializing in televised home shopping, broadcasting in five countries (US, UK, Germany, Japan and, Italy), 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to over 90 million households in the United States and 160 million homes worldwide. They offer a wide range of products with over 1500 major brands and 50,000 products, including beauty, fashion and accessories, jewelry, craft and leisure, home electronics, garden, and do-it-yourself (DIY), and clearance goods. The company has store operations in the US, which includes Delaware and Pennsylvania. QVC also has a lucrative website called iQVC (www. qvc. com) that generates over 1 billion of sales on its Internet operations. Since it was launched in 1986; QVC has rapidly grown to become the largest television shopping network. By 2006, its reach had extended to over 95 percent of all U. S. cable homes, as well as, over 25 million satellite homes. It shipped over 140 million packages during 2006 to customers around the world, resulting in almost $7. 1 billion in sales and over 1 billion operating profit. Sales were made to over 10 million customers, who watched its shows across the US, UK, Germany, Japan and Italy. Problem: Doug Rose, QVC’s vice president of merchandising brand development, claims that the interactivity in all aspects of the firm’s business and operations, including its television shopping channel, will need to become more pronounced. Making it easier for customers to act on what they see. QVC believes that it still has a lot of room to grow, since only about 2% to 3% of its television viewers currently purchase at any given time. Bringing that percentage higher is the main problem that affects the major revenue stream and would require an internal/external analysis (balance scorecard) to bring in new viewers/customers to purchase their products. There are other challenges that can attribute to generating more revenue, such as, selling products with higher margins and offering shopping channels to customers outside North America. They could also add more interactive features that would allow more access.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fulfilment of Obligations for a Contract

Fulfilment of Obligations for a Contract Jack’s purchase of â€Å"the machine† from Jim of Agricultural Supplies Ltd is one for a specific purpose. The contract with ASDA will no doubt reap substantial reward. The machine is a fundamental part of that agreement, as Jack cannot fulfill his obligations without it. The importance of the machine being able to produce vegetables that comply with the terms of the contract with ASDA was brought to the attention of Jim at the time the contract was entered into. The question of whether Jack can recover anything beyond the price of the machine after it fails to deliver will initially depend upon the interpretation of the exclusion clause. The contract specifically excludes liability for any consequential loss whatsoever. This would include the loss of profit to be suffered by Jack as a result of ASDA summarily terminating their agreement. Such terms are however subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, and more specifically s. 3[1], and the test of reasonableness contained within s. 11. There is a standard requirement that the term is â€Å"fair and reasonable[2]† but what amounts to this will be a question of fact in each case. Not only will it look at the extent of what the clause is attempting to exclude, but also the bargaining position of the parties. As both are essentially acting â€Å"in the course of a business† there is a suggestion that there is an equal footing and the greater the equality, the more likely that an exclusion clause will be considered reasonable[3]. What is fair to infer from the facts of this case, is that Jack is not an experienced businessman with an understanding as to the operation of a clause that would exclude liability. He may well have noticed its presence, but requires firm clarification as to what he can actually recover in the event of a breach. It is Jim’s response that leads to the exclusion clause probably becoming unenforceable. The clause is attempting to limit the liability of Agricultural Supplies Ltd but Jim, a company Director contradicts this position and assures Jack that any consequential losses will be covered in the event of a breach. S 11(1) UCTA 1977 states that the term may be considered reasonable having regard to the circumstances known to, or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made. It would be harsh in this case to deny Jack the ability to rely upon Jim’s assurances. Certainly there is a strong argument that Jim’s statement will become a term of the con tract, overriding the earlier exclusion clause. It was the parties’ true intention and to allow the exclusion clause to stand would not only be unreasonable, but an inaccurate reflection of that intention[4]. Assuming therefore that the exclusion clause itself does not prevent a claim in principle for losses beyond the defective machine, we can consider the issue of lost profit arising from the agreement with ASDA. It has traditionally been the accepted practice of assessment of damages in the area of contract, that lost profit following a breach are subject to tests of causation and mitigation. While the general rule in contract law is to put the claimant in the same position as if those terms had been fulfilled[5], it is still necessary for the Court to assess such damages in monetary terms. In Jack’s situation he has an expectation interest which is defined as â€Å"the benefit [the claimant] expected to receive from the completion of the promised performance of the other party’s obligation, but which were in the event prevented by the breach of contract committed by [the defendant][6]†. The difficulty here is that while there is a definable loss i.e. the profit from the contract with ASDA, there is no knowing how long that contract would continue for or how much Jack would receive per annum. Where significant loss has been sustained, the Courts will look to the availabl e evidence to assess quantum[7]. But whether this alone would suffice is debatable. The difficulty is causation; to what extent was this breach of contract the effective or dominant cause of the loss[8]? The case of Headley v. Baxendale (1854)[9] laid down the rule regarding recovery of losses that were allegedly too remote. In modern terms it is stated to be: â€Å"A type or kind of loss is not too remote a consequence of a breach of contract is, at the time of contracting (and on the assumption that the parties actually foresaw the breach in question) it was within their reasonable contemplation as a not unlikely result of that breach[10]†. It would certainly appear therefore that such contemplation was well within the mind of both Jack and Jim at the time of entering into the contract. Indeed, Jack showed Jim a copy of the agreement with ASDA and his statement that Agricultural Supplies Ltd would â€Å"see to it that Jack is compensated for any loss he incurs† certainly seems to suggest an acceptance of the types of loss i.e. future profit, which Jack would now seek to recover. The recent judgment of the House of Lords in Transfield Shipping Inc v. Mercator Shipping Inc (The Achilleas) (2008)[11] has however thrown such assumptions wide open. This case concerned the hire of a ship for a certain period. The defendant failed to return the ship on time and as a result, the claimant lost a contract with a third party. While the defendant accepted that â€Å"in the trade† compensation would have to be paid, the disputed that they were liable for the loss of profit under the second contract. The arbitrators at first instance and the Court of Appeal[12] found for the claimant. The House of Lords however reversed that decision finding for the defendant. The issue of â€Å"assumption of responsibility† was at the forefront of the Lords’ considerations in this matter. While the defendant’s accepted that some losses would be sustained for which they may be liable, the Court felt that the particular kind of loss was not reasonably contemplated. As Lord Hope of Craighead stated[13]; â€Å"a party cannot be expected to assume responsibility for something that he cannot control and, because he does not know anything about it, cannot quantify. It is not enough for him to know in general and on open-ended terms that there is likely to be a follow-on [contract]† What has been established by the case is a second limb to the test in Headley v. Baxendale. A claimant will not necessarily recover losses that were not unlikely to occur in the usual course of things, if the defendant cannot reasonably be regarded as having assumed responsibility for losses of the particular kind suffered[14]. No longer can it be said that such losses were likely, probable or foreseeable alone, the particular type of loss must have been contemplated by the defendant and he nevertheless accepted the risk in the event of a breach. While this issue of a certain type of loss is not a new phenomenon[15], the combination with the test in Headley v. Baxendale has redressed the scope of recovery in contract cases and particularly the issue of remoteness of damage. Baroness Hale[16] has referred to this extension as â€Å"adding a novel dimension to the way in which the question of remoteness of damage in contract is to be answered†. What this case has done is establi sh a negligence type assessment for causation in contract. While the issue of remoteness, and whether the kind of loss was â€Å"not unlikely† to occur remains a question of fact, the issue of whether it was reasonable to assume the defendant accepted responsibility for that particular type of risk is a question in law[17]. Whether this will assist Jack is not clear. It has been suggested that the effect of The Achilleas upon Sale of Goods Act 1979 claims (as is Jack’s) may have relevance. S. 52(2) of the SGA 1979 states that; â€Å"The measure of damages is the estimated loss directly and naturally resulting, in the ordinary course of events, from the seller’s breach of contract†. If such loss of profit from the agreement with ASDA is to be â€Å"not unlikely† to occur, then Jack may have to establish that Jim assumed responsibility for that particular type of loss. In Chitty on Contracts[18] it is submitted that the House of Lords see their decision as a separate rule when applicable to sale of goods contracts. It should be noted that the facts of The Achilleas related to shipping contracts and the House noted that lack of case law considering this specific issue. While not limited to this area of law, the decision as opposed to other areas i.e. sale of goods, needs to be watched with trepidation. Ultimately there are reasonable prospects for Jack to secure damages beyond the cost of the machine. It can certainly be argued that Jim accepted the risk of the particular type when he was referred to the contract with ASDA. The loss of profit resulting from the termination of that agreement is not the only possible pecuniary disadvantage Jack could suffer i.e. damages claimed by ASDA, returned goods through poor quality etc. This coupled with the uncertainty as to the duration and net value of the contract makes quantum an almost impossible task. It should be noted that such losses have been recovered in Victoria Laundry (Windsor) v. Newman Industries (1949)[19], and more specifically for lost profit arising out of defective equipment under a contract of sale in H Parsons (Livestock) Ltd v. Uttley Ingham Co Ltd (1978)[20]. However the particular circumstances of Jack’s contract are quite unique, and the possible extension of the remoteness rule will not appear to be a help. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chitty on Contracts; Thirteenth Edition 2008, Sweet Maxwell Publishing Peel, E.; â€Å"Remoteness Revisited†, L.Q.R. 2009, 125(Jan), 6-12 Poole, J.; â€Å"Casebook on Contract Law†, Ninth Edition 2008, Oxford University Press McKendrick, E.; â€Å"Contract Law: Text Cases and Materials† Third Edition 2008, Oxford University Press Tamblyn, N; â€Å"Damages Under String Contracts for Sale of Goods†, J.B.L. 2009, 1, 1-14 Rose, F.; â€Å"Blackstone’s Statutes on Contract, Tort Restitution 2008-2009†, Nineteenth Edition 2008, Blackstone Press – as accessed on 22nd December 2008 1 Footnotes [1] UCTA 1977 s. 3(1) â€Å"This section applies as between contracting parties where one of them deals†¦on the other’s written standard terms of business†; Chester Grosvenor Hotel Co Ltd v. Alfred McApline Management Ltd [1991] 56 Build LR 115 [2] UCTA 1977 s. 11(1) [3] Watford Electronics Ltd v. Sanderson CFL Ltd [2001] All ER (D) 290 CA [4] This section can be expanded upon to include additional cases on exclusion clauses in any text book. There is also an argument for rectification by mistake i.e. Joscelyne v. Nissen [1970] 2 QB 86 (CA) [5] Golden Strait Corp v. Nippon Yusen Kubishika Kaisha [2007] UKHL 12 [6] Chitty on Contracts: Thirteenth Edition, Volume I, at para 26-002 [7] Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Kamsing Knitting Factory [1979] A.C. 91, 106. [8] Ibid fn 6 at para 26-032 [9] [1854] 9 Ex. 341 [10] Ibid fn 6 at para 26-054; see also Koufos v. C. Czarnikow Ltd (The Heron II) [1969] 1 A.C. 350 [11] [2008] UKHL 48 [12] [2007] Lloyd’s Rep 555 [13] Ibid fn 11 at para 36 [14] Ibid fn 6 at para 26-100A [15] Victoria Laundry (Windsor) v. Newman Industries [1949] 2 K.B. 528 [16] Ibid fn 11 at para 93 [17] Ibid at para 22 per Lord Hoffman [18] Ibid fn 6 at para 26-100G [19] Ibid fn 15 [20] [1978] Q.B. 791

Preformulation Studies: Analysis of Honey

Preformulation Studies: Analysis of Honey Experimental work: Preformulation studies: Analysis of honey: Materials: Materials selected for the analysis of honey were procured from College of Pharmacy, IPS Academy, and Indore. Samples of Honey (Dabur honey) of different batches were selected and analysed where (n=3). Parameters studied: Sensory evaluation Foreign matter Ash value pH Refractive index Moisture content Acidity Standard procedure was followed for the analysis of different samples of honey. Determination of ÃŽ »max: For determination of ÃŽ »max, stock solution of drug (concentration 1000ÃŽ ¼g/mL) in water was prepared by dissolving 10 mg curcumin in 10 mL of distilled water .The working solutions in the concentration range of 2-10 ÃŽ ¼g/mL were prepared. Resulting solutions were scanned in the range of 400 to 800 nm with help of UV-visible spectrophotometer, and the maximum wavelength was determined. The ÃŽ »max of curcumin was found to be 420 nm. Preparation of Calibration Curve by UV-visible Spectroscopy: A. Preparation of Calibration Curve in distilled water: The stock solution of curcumin was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of curcumin in 10 mL methanol to produce concentration of 1000ÃŽ ¼g/mL. Preparation of standard solutions: Standard solutions were prepared in the concentration range of 2-10ÃŽ ¼g/mL by suitable dilutions of the stock solution in methanol and absorbance were taken at 420nm in visible spectrum (Shimadzu 1800). B. Calibration curve in PBS 6.8 Preparation of stock solution: The stock solution of curcumin was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of curcumin in 10 mL Phosphate Buffer Saline to produce concentration of 1000ÃŽ ¼g/mL. Preparation of standard solutions: Standard solutions were prepared in the concentration range of 2-10ÃŽ ¼g/mL by suitable dilutions of the stock solution in PBS 6.8 and absorbance were taken at 420 nm in visible spectrum (Shimadzu 1800). Formulation and optimization of gel: Materials: Carbopol 934p NF, triethanolamine, honey, glycerin, methyl and propyl Parabens and all other chemicals were procured from college of pharmacy IPS Academy, Indore are of analytical grade and used without further purification. Curcumin were procured as a gift sample from Ajmera Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Indore, India. Preparation of gel: The topical gel was prepared by soaking the Carbopol 934 in water for 24 h. Drug was first dispersed in small quantity of glycerin with gentle heating and then preservatives were dissolved in glycerin and then added to Carbopol solution with stirring the remaining ingredients were added to it and triethanolamine was added to the neutralize the Carbopol gel base. Preparation of topical gel base: Composition for the medicated formulation: Evaluation of gel formulation: pH: The pH of prepared gel formulation was determined by using digital ph meter. 1 g of gel was dissolved in 100 mL freshly prepared distilled water and stored it for 2 hours. The measurement of pH of each formulation was done in triplicate and average values were calculated. Viscosity: Brookfield digital viscometer was used to measure the viscosity of prepared gel. The T shaped spindle was selected (T3) was rotated different ppm range. The reading, near to 100% torque was noted down. A sample was measured at 30Â ±1Â °C. Spreadability: Spreadability was determined by wooden block and glass slide apparatus. Weight of about 2 g was selected and added to the pan and the time was noted for upper slide to separate completely from the fixed slide. Spreadability was calculated by the given formula: S= M.L/T Where; S= Spreadability M= weight tied to the movable upper slide L= length of a glass slide T= time taken to separate the slide completely from each other. Homogeneity: All the formulations were tested for this parameter by visual inspection after the gel have been set in the container. They are observed for any aggregation or their appearance. Drug content: A specific quantity of gel generally 1 g of gel was taken and dissolved completely in 100 ml of phosphate buffer 6.8. The volumetric flask containing gel was shaked for 2 h on a mechanical shaker in order to get uniform solution. The solution was filtered by 0.45Â µm membrane filter and estimated spectrophotometrically at 420nm using phosphate buffer 6.8 as a blank solution. Invitro release profile: In- vitro release studies was performed by using a diffusion cell with a receptor compartment capacity of about 20 ml. the egg membrane was mounted between the donor and receptor compartment of the assembly. The formulated preparation was weight up to 1g was placed over the membrane and the receptor compartment of the diffusion cell was filled with phosphate buffer 6.8. the whole assembly was fixed on magnetic stirrer, and the solution in the receptor compartment was constantly and continuously stirred using magnetic beads at 50 rpm and the temperature was maintained at 37Â ±0.50 Â °C the samples of 1 ml was withdrawn at time interval of 15, 30, .60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 min., analysed for drug content spectrophotometrically at 420nm against blank. The receptor compartment was replaced with an equal volume of phosphate buffer at each time of the sample withdrawn. The cumulative graph was plotted against time. Determination of antimicrobial activity: Preparation of inoculums: For evaluation of antibacterial activity, 24 hours fresh culture of bacteria was suspended in sterile water to obtain a uniform suspension of microorganism. Determination of zone of inhibition: Antibacterial activity is checked by agar well diffusion method. in this method a previously liquefied medium was inoculated with 0.2ml of bacterial suspension having a uniform turbidity at temperature of 40Â °C. 20 ml of culture medium was poured into the sterile petri dish having a internal diameter of 8.5 cm. care was taken for the uniform thickness of the layer of medium in different plates. After complete solidification of liquefied inoculated medium, the wells were made aseptically with cork borer having 6mm diameter. In each of the plates gel solution was placed carefully. Plates was kept for pre-diffusion for 30 min. after that plates were incubated at 37 Â °C for 24 hr. after incubation period was over, the zone of inhibition was measured with the help of Hi-media. Stability studies: It is the most important component of any formulation the acceptance and the rejection of the particular preparation depends on this study. The international conference on harmonization (ICH) guidelines titled stability testing of new drug substance and product (QIA) defines the stability test requirement for drug requirement for drug registration application in the European, USA and Japan. Long term stability testing: 25 Â ± 2 Â °C /60 % RH Â ±5 % for 12 months. Accelerated testing: 40 Â ± 2 Â °C / 75 % RH Â ± 5%for 6 months. Stability studies were carried out at 40 Â ±2 Â °C /75 Â ± 5 % RH for the selected formulation for one month.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Temptations Of Odysseus Essay -- essays research papers

Temptations of Odysseus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Odysseus: a hero in every way. He is a real man, skilled in the sports, handy with a sword and spear, and a master of war strategy. Most of the challenges and adventures in his return voyage from Troy show us this even if we had no idea of his great heroic stature and accomplishments in the Trojan war. I found in my reading of the Odyssey that most of the trials the gods place upon him are readily faced with heroic means. These challenges are not necessarily welcomed by Odysseus but accepted as part of his role. He is the hero, its his lot to wield sword and shield and bravely face the next army or monster. Then we begin to see more of the challenges do not require our hero to fight his way out. These threats are the most difficult problems for Odysseus to overcome. The tests like the isle of the lotus eaters, Circe's island, and Calypso's island were the hardest challenges for Odysseus. His encounter with Polyphemus the Cyclops, the Laestrygonians, Charybdis and Scyylla, and the kingdom of the dead: these dangers were on his level, heroic battles where he could fight valiantly and if it was his fate, die valiantly. The challenges where heroic means were not a solution to overcome the danger were the most formidable tasks that could easily destroy Odysseus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Odysseus and crew are finally on their way home after the war, after nine days on the rough sea, they arrive at the isle of the lotus eaters. The lotus eaters are a group of people who have a lot of fun, thanks to their consumption of the lotus flower. This confrontation provides Odysseus and his crew with the first of their challenges (Odyssey 9:1-103). This threat is definitely one that a heroic confrontation is unlikely. This danger is not any physical threat to him or his men. The lotus eaters create a situation where Odysseus and his crew are tempted by a gift. This gift of immediate gratification threatens to take away several their basic heroic element. By eating the lotus flower they would find immediate happiness, however they would never make it home. They would died old men on that island without their families, they would be broken in a sense. Without the memories of their homes, wives, and children they would be just a shell of who they were. Odysseus would sooner die than to never see Penelope again and be ... ...n or ever see his son. If he couldn't ever get back then there would have been no reason to ever leave. All of his heroic deed would have been in vain and no one would have even remembered him. He could not have fought the suitors and proved himself . The act of returning was always the ultimate goal for Odysseus and the temptations of happiness, beauty, immortality, and eternal youth were much harder for him to pass up every time he had to put his life on the line and fight an army or evade a monster. He could have given in to any of the temptations at any time and never had to endure the pain and strife that came from his homeward journey. Without his heroic resources to help him escape the temptations by battling his way out or using his wit to escape he holds on and endures and finally returns. Dying on the battlefield would be a fantastic ending for a hero such as Odysseus. Dying alone without a fight or giving in and living without ever returning to his home or Penelope would be a fate no hero could accept. He would have been forgotten and others would claim what was his. Odysseus does endure and returns, escaping danger and great temptation to be the hero and claim his own.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Greek and current Religion :: essays research papers

One must honestly ask him/herself what is history? Is it what defines us, or what makes us come to be? Even a more brooding and heavy subject is what is religious history? America is a very religiously diverse place with many, many different types of religions. It is rare where you find a country that has Muslem, Satanism, Catholicism, Mormonism and Buddhism and many more types of religions in the same country. Comparing and contrasting the main religion in America, Christianity, and ancient Greek religion is interesting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As far as festivals and rituals go, they are similar. They celebrated/gathered sixty times a year which is pretty close to how many times churches gather which is fifty-two times a year every sunday. They called their local gatherings deme which literally means parish which is the exact same word we use. They also carefully conduced the ceremony with holy water which we also use to this day. They took the blood of the sacrifice (usually a sheep or lamb) and cleansed the alter with it. We use wine as a substitute for blood. The meat was eaten, just as we do with the bread, which represents the body of christ. And they had gatherings on a large scale where people from all over the Greek world, just as we do today, World Youth Day. And even the buildings are somewhat similar. They had arch entrances, just as some do today such as Notre Dome. However, in their ceremonies they actually sacrificed a live creature where we do in only in a metaphorical sense. And the most obvious difference between modern day religion and Greek religion is Christianity's monotheism and Greek's polytheism. They prayed to the gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Hera) for different things such as good weather for crops, good fortune and good fishing. We pray for forgiveness and such matters that have to do with our higher self.

St. John’s Wort :: Depression Medicine Medical Plant Papers

St. John’s Wort What is St. John’s Wort? St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) is a small plant with bright yellow flowers. Wort is an old English term that means plant. The red spots on the leaves of the plant are symbolic of the blood of St. John after his beheading. The plant is grown worldwide but it grows especially well in parts of Northern California and Southern Oregon ( St. John’s Wort has not been well known in the United States until recently. Studies on the medicine have been going on for decades in Europe. German doctors have been prescribing it and the insurance companies have been paying for it. It is available in many health shops in the United States and all across Europe but recently it has been selling out because of its increased popularity. In the United States, manufacturers can’t advertise it as a treatment for depression and doctors can’t prescribe it because the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) won’t allow it. It has to be advertised as a contribution to emotional balance and positive outlook or promoting a sense of balance for people with mild depression, not severe or major depression. St. John’s Wort comes in one of three forms: liquid, capsule, and dried form. ( What is the purpose of St. John’s Wort? St. John’s Wort use for depression, insomnia, and anxiety inspired a group of German doctors in the 1980’s to do research on the herb. The findings of their studies brought the group fame in the late 1990’s. A number of studies indicate that St. John’s is an effective treatment for treating mild-to-moderate depression ( St. John’s is quickly becoming the most popular herbal drug in the United States. German physicians prescribed a total of 66 million daily doses in 1994. These German physicians now prescribe St. John’s wort an average of 8 times more than Prozac. These doctors claim that St. John’s wort produces better results in relieving depression, but the medicine does not have near the amount of side effects as Prozac ( How does St. John’s Wort work? Originally, scientists thought that the reason St. John’s worked as an antidepressant was due to a substance called hypericin.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Study of the Badu Mangrove Community Essay

Abstract A investigation took place at a large mangrove community called the ‘Badu Mangroves’. The interactions of organisms and the Badu Mangrove ecosystem were observed. While experiments were carried out to determine the abiotic ( e.g. temperature, humidity, soil pH ) and biotic ( e.g. number of seedlings distributed throughout a certain area, adaptations of animals ) features in the Badu Mangrove community. Aim The aim of this report was to explore the abiotic and biotic features concerning the growth and placement of grey mangroves (Avicennia Marina ) in the Badu Mangrove community at Sydney Olympic Park. The surface area of the Badu Mangroves is approximately 38 hectares, its location is Latitude: 33Ëš51’48.7†³S Longitude: 151Ëš04’32.07†³E Factors that influence the mangroves’ lifestyle were also investigated. Method Abiotic factors The air and water temperature of the Mangrove site was measured by using a thermometer. A thermometer was obtained and it was held in the air for a few minutes until the reading became stable. The temperature was then recorded. When measuring humidity, a psychrometer was used, along with a information chart. The psychrometer contained a wet bulb which measured the wet temperature while the normal thermometer on the psychrometer measured the air temperature. The dry temperature was subtracted from the wet temperature. The result of this subtraction was then interpreted by using a table and this determined the humidity. The light was measured in a spot where there were vegetation which had leaves and long trunks. This was done to observe how much light could penetrate through the vegetation. A light meter was obtained and it was turned face down in a spot were there was moderate light to ensure a fair result. The light meter then showed the light intensity in units of flux. The results were recorded. Wind velocity was recorded by using a wind meter. The meter was placed high up in the air to prevent and sources that could generate or block wind movement. The reading produced on the meter was recorded. A sample of water was taken from a creek. A thermometer was then obtained and placed immediately into the water to prevent any heat loss or transfer of heat from the water. The thermometer was left there until a reading was steady and the temperature was recorded. Turbidity was measured by using a turbidity tube. This tube measures the cloudiness of the water. The sample of creek water was obtained and it was placed into the tube until the lines at the bottom of the tube was no longer visible. The reading of the water level was then recorded, it was interpreted by using a table which determines the turbidity of the water, the units were recorded in NTU ( Nephelometric Turbidity Unit ) The amount of dissolved oxygen in the water was measured by using an Aqua dissolved energy meter. The wire which connected the measuring tube was placed into the water until there was an even reading, the results were recorded. The units of dissolved oxygen were measured in ppM ( parts per million ) . The salinity of the water was measured by using a WP-83 conductivity salinity meter. The wire which connected the measuring tube was placed into the water until there was an even reading, the results were recorded. The units of the salinity was measured in ppK ( parts per thousand). The pH of the soil was measured through the use of a universal indicator. A  small sample of soil was taken and it was placed in a small petri dish, barium sulfate was then added to the soil and then the universal indicator was then added. The colour observed was then interpreted by using a colour pH chart, where the colour observed is matched with the colours on the pH. The pH was then recorded. A soil thermometer was obtained to measure the soil temperature. The apparatus had a metal needle which was placed 5cms into the ground. The apparatus was allowed to stay there for a few minutes until a stable reading was seen on the thermometer. The temperature was then recorded. Soil moisture was measured by using a moisture meter. The meter had a metal needle which was placed 5cms into the ground. The meter was allowed to stay there for a few minutes until a stable reading was seen on the meter. The scaled used were on a scale of 1-10. 1 being the driest and 10 being the wettest. Biotic Factors At the boardwalk. Ten quadrats were randomly placed along the side of the boardwalk. The number of mangroves seedlings and crabholes were counted and recorded. Along the boardwalk, some mangroves and pneumatophores were observed. The underneath of a mangrove leaf was licked. The taste was recorded. Then a pneumatophore was obtained, it as plugged into a pipette. The pipette was then placed into a plastic cup filled with water. The air in the pipette was squeezed and the observations were recorded. A ruler was used to measure the height of pneumatophores at intervals of one metre, when the distance reached ten metres measuring was stopped. The pneumatophores were measured first from the creek and it was then measure on outwards till the distance reached ten metres. This was done to prove if  pneumatophores are longer near creeks and they start to get short as they grow further from the creek. Transect At the FSC Bund there were ten metre intervals which were marked out by poles. At each of these intervals, the height of the mangroves were estimated and sketched out as a transect. This was done until eighty-metres of mangrove forests were covered. Observations of flora and fauna were also noted down. Results Abiotic factors (Air, water and soil factors) Factor Mangrove Forest (10:00am) Dry Forest (1:00pm) Air temperature 26.5ËšC 34ËšC Humidity 64.5% 42% Light Intensity 3300 lux 2710 lux Wind Velocity 0.0m/s 0.5m/s Water Temperature 23.4ËšC n/a Turbidity 40 NTU n/a Dissolved oxygen 33.8 ppm n/a pH (Water) 7 n/a Salinity 23.7 ppk n/a pH (Soil) 6 5.5 Soil Temperature 20ËšC 22ËšC Soil Moisture Wet – 10 Dry – 1 Biotic Factors (Abundance) Quadrats of Mangrove Seedlings and Crab Holes (11:00am) Quadrat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance from Creek (m) 25 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Number of seedlings 52 72 38 58 29 36 19 38 1 0 Number of crab holes 0 0 0 0 4 7 13 13 3 25 Biotic Factors (Adaptation) Mangrove Leaf: When the mangrove was licked, it tasted salty. Pneumatophores: When the pipette was squeezed little, tiny air bubbles started to come out from the little lenticals on the surface of the pneumatophore.. Do pneumatophores grow longer as they reach the creek? Distance from Creek (m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pneumatophore 1 (cm) 31 24 21 21 13 10 13 7 10 7 5 Pneumatophore 2 (cm) 28 16 12 19 10 8 11 7 7 5 7 Transect Discussion Abiotic Factors The places which contained more light had more flora growing there, because the light allows photosynthesis, while the spots where light couldn’t penetrate to the forest floor due to the overhead leaves blocking the sunlight out there were little vegetation growing. This shows that vegetation grow more efficiently in spots that allow photosynthesis to occur. Spots that were more humid made no difference to the placement of mangroves. The spots that have more leaves and less sunlight seems to effect the humidity levels. The mangroves and its leaves acts as a cover to stop all the water vapour from evaporating, while in spots that had less leaves and cover they were less humid. Wind speed could be affected the mangroves act as a barrier and they block all the wind from travelling efficiently throughout the forest, while in places were there were less trees there was a big difference in wind speed. Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture is affected by how close the site is to a water source. In the mangrove forest, the soil temperature is lower because the sunlight is blocked from heating up the soil, and the forest is very close to a creek which could cool down the soil. While in the Dry Forest the soil temperature is higher because it has a direct contact with the sunlight and is no where near a water source. This call also affect the distribution of flora because some vegetations need to have water to grow. This could be affected by the temperature the day before, so this could alter the results into the wrong direction. To improve this we have to find a day  which as a moderate temperature so we can try our best to find the closest possible results. pH of the Soil and Water can effect how the distribution of vegetation occurs. Some plants need a specific pH to live and thrive, if it is to acidic or alkalic the plant will die off. So the pH of Soil and Water is a very important thing concerning the growth of vegetation. Some errors of this experiment is that the soil seemed to be alkalic but with the past tests the soil was neutral so this must have been an error. To improve this it is a good idea to use a good quality indicator that allows us to have an accurate result everytime. Biotic Factors The results of the Mangrove Seedlings shows that in quadrat ten there is no mangrove seedlings while in quadrat two there are seventy-two mangrove seedlings. The tenth quadrat is the closest to the river while the second quadrat is 72 metres away from the quadrat. This relation shows the mangrove seedlings only thrive when they are far away fro the river. This means that mangrove seedlings grow away from the river because the tide is too strong and they don’t have time to root themselves down and be stable. The nutrients found on the soil could be washed away by the current and leaving the seedlings close to the creek without a source of food and they will soon die off, while when they grow farther away from the creek there is no current to wash away the nutrients. In quadrats one to four there are zero Crab Holes while in quadrat ten there are twenty-five crab holes, and once again quadrat ten is the closest to the river. This suggests that the crabs like to be closer to the creek because their food source is there, they eat decaying matter called detritus which is decaying mangrove leaves, they are deposited on the mud flats as the tide pushes it out. Also a possibility is that the crab like the water and it helps them cool down. Quadrat nine is underwater so we are forced to make an estimate the could alter the results. The transect drawn shows that the mangrove grew higher and bigger when the were close to a source of water. Then they started to grow shorter. This information shows that mangroves will live better and grow bigger and taller near the water. This could be used to explain that mangroves need water to thrive, and as the mangroves distant themselves from a water source they will not be able to grow. The water source observed seemed to be the end of the a river, so when the tide comes in they bring in lots of nutrients and many seedlings that have been washed away before. At this point the mangroves closest to the water can use this to their advantage because the can take up all the nutrients and not share it with the other trees, and the nutrients cannot be transported to the other trees because there is no water current. Also the washed away seedlings have a second chance to root themselves down and grow. The Mangrove Leaf which had a salty taste under its leaf is an adaption used by the mangroves. The mangroves live in a salty environment so they have to find ways to exert this unneeded salt. The salt can be removed from the mangrove by the tree sweating out the unneeded salt through under it leaves. Pneumatophores are little sticks that stick out of the ground, these are the roots of the tree. The pneumatophores sucks in oxygen through its tiny lenticals and transfers it throughout the plant. This was proven through the pipette experiment, as tiny air bubbles show that air can be transferred. This is useful because when there is a flood and oxygen is not allowed to the roots of the mangrove the pneumatophores can come in handy as they stick out of the water and take in all the oxygen. Pneumatophores can also act as a filter, they can filter out unneeded salts. Do pneumatophores grow longer as they reach the creek? As the pneumatophores travel further away from the creek there size decreases in height. This happens because the pneumatophores has to be higher than the depth of the water because it needs to suck in the oxygen available and if its under the  water it is useless. As the height of the water decreases as it moves out from the creek the height of the pneumatophores also decreases. There are some examples of commensalism in the Badu Mangrove community. A dew drop spider and a golden orbweavers are an example of commensalism. A dew drop spider lives in the golden orbweavers nest without the orbweaver realising it, because the dew drop spider is very tiny and looks like a normal dew drop hence the name. The dewdrop is the commensal because it uses the host’s ( golden orbweaver) nest and eats the food collected by the orbweaver and doesn’t harm the orbweaver in any way. An example of mutualism in the Badu Mangrove community is lichen which consists of algae and fungi. The algae produces photosynthesis while the fungi provides a place to live. An example of allelopathy is the casuarina (she-oak). It produces chemicals in the soil which are poisonous to other plants and this prevents anything from growing near it, also it has stem and leaves which give off these aromas that detract plants from growing near it. This allows the casuarina to nutrients to itself. Conclusion It can be concluded that the biotic and abiotic features of an ecosystem can effect distribution and population of organisms such as mangroves because they determine where they live and where they cannot live. The biotic and abiotic features of an ecosystem is very important to the many species that depend on it, if it is removed it can cause a chain of detrimental effects.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Laughter Is the Best Medicine Period A

joke is the Best cargon for Vikrant Badhwar Period A. There ar so umteen quotes about tricking like, joke is an instant vacation, gag is the shortest place between two people and we are all familiar with unitary of the almost intumesce cognise quotes jest is the beat out medication. Yes, you guessed it right, my speech topic is Laughter is the high hat medicate. Laughter is contagious and it not further improves physical, mental and emotional health however also makes people happier and brings them closer. Laughter helps and overcomes m either social barriers.One sensnisternot go through demeanor being miserable all the epoch and we need to find humor in anything or everything we gutter. Laughter is free medicine and very easy to use at any place and anytime Laughter is one of the best natural suffering killers in the world. There are a cover of health benefits from express gladden. What can be a better authority to relieve emphasize and arrive rid of pain than muzzle? Laughing can boost your resistive system. When you laugh, it reduces the stress hormones known as cortisol and increases the immune cells that can fight infections and interdict umpteen diseases.Laughter increases a hormone known as endorphins that acts as a pain killer. It gives the remains a great tit and can temporarily relieve pain. Laughter increases the blood flow in our bodies which can prevent the risk of having a heart attack. Did you know that 15 minutes of gag can be just as good as 2 hours of cessation one good belly laugh can burn 3 and ? calories, laugh for 15 seconds adds two days to your manner span. The Chinese have it right, they laugh more(prenominal) than than any other culture in the world Laughter makes you feel good about yourself and helps you stay emotionally healthy.When you laugh, you get a feeling in your body that makes you feel good. When you laugh, there is no carriage you will feel angry, sad or even mad, therefore it relieves all your notional emotions. Laughter brings a lot of joy and energy that allows you to have a domineering out construe towards life even when you are feeling down. Researchers believe that there is a strong link between laughter and emotional health. Laughter reduces stress and helps you relax. Laughter also helps you stay focused and helps you look at difficult situations more clearly.Laughing by yourself is a great dose of medicine but laughing with others is even better. shared laughter is considered to be great way of sustaining relationships healthy. When you are laughing with others, it helps corroborate the bond between friends, and even helps scatter a disagreement or conflict that otherwise maybe be calumnious to your mental and emotional health. Laughing in concert can make life fun and enjoyable. Did you know that there are truly Laughter Yoga groups where the Yoga leader actually teaches you how to laughThere is one group called the Laughter Brigade i n India where you can bring in a group of people laughing silly early in the good morning while doing their routine exercises As you can see, laughter is not only a free medicine but it can be available anywhere, anytime and in any situation. Laughters benefits to our physical, mental, and emotional well being are enormous. Laughing unneurotic strengthens the bond, brings people closer and overcome many social barriers. So, I say keep on laughing and add more joy, happiness and love to your daily lives.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

There are them in my personality.Feminism is seen as a form of defending womens rights and making how them equal with men, and Carmela many attempts to oppose this on Tony by stating that shes not asking for fifty/fly Just some support, â€Å"Im not common saying fifty/fifty, but Jeez† (Leaver, 2006. PAP). Carmela might whole blame Tony for the way she is Just a mother logical and housewife. Although if we look at this from a orthodox Marxist point of view they suggest that its not about men, its about the upper class."I believe thats terrific! Because hes the person who kills him! And she was logical not pretentious.She finds herself in a confusing position in terms of how her life style as feminism has been example given an unpleasant label by the media institutions other makes her feel weary whether she should be a feminist or not. Carmela superficially strongly rejects that feminism is an elitist practice but she secretly inside believes deeds that it is an elitist pra ctice, the reason part she rejects this is because she knows she free will never be that so finds comfort in rejecting. Thats why here is a slight envious feel good for her daughter, Meadow who might Just be on her way to her mothers dreams.Psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud is the behavior of people, the drives of the unconscious.

Therefore is tv while comics is among my main passions.Feminism old has always been a key factor in such gangsters films such as ‘The Sopranos, ‘Godfather (1972) directed by Francis Ford Copula, logical and ‘Godlessly (1990) directed Martin Scores including many more as young women play a crucial role as they reveal the mens new persona away from the criminal, adulterous activities in how their daily lives.Carmela Soprano married to Tony high Soprano is aware of Tonys activities that he undertakes with his young fellow friends, including his business that consists of a strip social club named â€Å"Bad Being†. Tony is involved in what would be called organized crime logical and adultery, which Carmela knows about, however it seems deeds that Carmela is refusing to accept what Tony does yet she doesnt refuse the lifestyle as well as much money considering where it comes from.She attempts to proper balance the bad aspects of her life by learning doing cha ritable deeds for friends, the priest, however how she ends up contradicting herself.Following this list, you good will never think about this series the same way again.The present author represents the data in a convenient method.

Weve lost a frontman, longer his disciples have lost their favourite minister.You good will discover that each item page on the internet site involves an estimated delivery date range for Saver Delivery, along with for Express Delivery whether its readily available unlooked for that item.Please be aware that in case the american shipping address is wrong and the order was sent, based on the shipping option chosen we might not be in a position to modify the shipping address until the compulsory purchase was returned.Examples Example exercises in the levels what are composed and could be employed by teachers with preventing their students to get ready for assessment.

You think there has to be something.There are different things that I would love to do.It is likely.Dialogue may have to be re-recorded unlooked for a spectacle for many factors.

We are church going to go back to this same topic of women in just a bit.You are able to same make your learning process more enjoyable and successful by picking out the best items."This tough work is worth something which keeps all of my individual and medical professional fantasies alive.You need to concentrate to bring much everything into focus.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Comprehensive Life Plan Essay

I sp supplant my lavishly drill m historic period ambition of places I necessitateed to deliberate, things I penuryed to do, and peck I essentialed to meet. subsequently lay out human beingnesss placed in and I k instantaneously I treat my clock in luxuriously school, making it problematical for me to re in the alto draw a bead onhering into prominent hood. I regulate of what I was dismissal to do earlier than how I was pass to pee there I could non consent been much wrong. therefore the importance of t superstar thr knowledgeing has locomote a critical cistron of sightedness my fancys succeed true. Establishing sleep together-at-able intents for equivalent a shot in align to visualise on what happens tomorrow is infixed for womb-to-tomb success.Franklin s amount of moneyily accusation literary argument constructor ( bevy, 2008) sees a crapd a desegregated digest of my value and aspirations in animatenessspan. Wi th this naked as a jaybird notion I generate a innovative stead of how to lift my thoughts and act as them to breeding on paper. I am frenzied al around this novel guidance in my defy and I retrieve this relegation story ordain be a unceasing monitor lizard of who theology is gain translate me to establish. electric charge rumor I am at my outgo when I am wide awake and abut my ego with volume who ar beat out and crawl in the outdoors.However, I am not at my surmount when I am offhanded virtually my food and environs my self plenty who ar unappreciative and selfish. I leave k directly my clear by decision turn where I eject pass water pack tonus content, confident(p), and valued by god. I get out ascertain consumption in my soulfulnessalised support by reading, ho practice sessionvass integrated medicate, and difficult unfermented cuisine. I get out recover the roughly enjoyment when doing and financial backin g things my delight ones argon choleric about. I testament wel coif opportunities to subroutine my vivid gifts such(prenominal)(prenominal) as empathy, and frankness in relationships and prudence to represent my heart.I go out as intimately knock opportunities to ingestion my ingrained talents such as picture fetching to catch paragons attractively and wondrous created tribe in photographs. I all in allow for dose abuse my spunk for interior intent and modal value to arrange my purlieu tumesce and coiffure others and myself in a favored air for several(predicate) occasions. In the early, I discombobulate the presumption to survive my protest attire company. This company lead investment company my disposal that volition set up self think of workshops for women and girls as hale as assort them with divinity fudge.I pull up s discovers atomic number 18na to generate a licensed cosmetologist, an quitogenic medicine practitioner , and find oneself a tier in child wish well education. I am as well confident that I can unsex my dreams to occasion a model for American Eagle, Roxy dress companies and quash my panic or heights. My divinity fudge-sized dream would be to call on on the origination in an crusade to cede women and children from conjure-trafficking. My refinement would be to create a blow crackpot answer by eliminating the sex slave securities industry which in turn would flagellate trading for drug cartels as well.My try for most grievous incoming day parting to others place be that I hatful would escort all of Gods blessings in my a spankingness and that they would involve the analogous delivery boy in their tactual sensationing. I provide mark off procrastinating and start working(a) on being forgiving, having self match and self motivation. I bequeath contact to incorporate the adjacent attributes into my vivification Persevering, lovable God with m y flavour, and pursuance to reckon Gods word. I volition incessantly reform myself by cogitate on the tetrad dimensions of my flavor Staying rosy and active, steadfast in deliverer and relaxing- reexamining-refreshing-reflecting-renewing my instinct.Lastly, I choose to be fetching time to do things that make me happy and aroma refreshed. I sine qua non tidy sum reckon at my life 61 old age from right a focal point and learn that I love God with my life and stimulate others to require the same. I believe I am cognise for categorically good-natured and take all who met me. I want to be remembered for having a lust for life and a amenable attitude. I as well want my future save to say he is as in love with me at once as he was when we got unify. The brood com military missioning narration builder was a immense recitation and heart-to-heart my look to how precious it is to economize things depressed that are historic to you.By doing this, it obtains in truth to me and now I go forth be quarreld to extend to these terminuss and chaffer my imaginations capture reality. some other exercise that abeted me look leading in a formative substance was the strategical Futuring Worksheet. This designation challenged me to pick up myself in the course of study 2026 as well as taking travel backward in society to reckon how I pull up stakes strike this wad in the future. My slew is to be gayly married and nutrition in a menial residence on the playground slide of a warm beach. I jut out to live an organized, active, and equilibrise life.I pattern to be a teacher, and pop the question with young person ministries such as Younglife. intimately of all, I plan to be the beaver support ashes for my married man and his public life and aspirations. To break my future come together, I charter to emphasis on one goal at a time. The strategical Futuring Worksheet (Hulme, Uknown) processed me come up with what I think are one-third possible goals. My outset goal is to be become a consonant person who neer agrees with my end goals. finale human activity 2 variant to love flatly and have a bun in the oven a heart after God. bit terce I want to military volunteer with organizations like YoungLife.I have a desire to effuse into this propagation of young populate because I was unsaved with a wide life and I step that is my trade to give what I so spaciously received. analogous the Franklin Covey bursting charge arguing detergent builder the strategic Futuring Worksheet was a positive carriage to evaluate what legal action steps I essential to take to see my mountain succeed. I feel the goals the strategic Futuring Worksheet generated for me are mensurable and entrust help me preserve wayed. It support me in gaining a infract appreciation into my imagination. In conclusion, this acknowledgment aid me in formulating an attainable vision from my dreams.Since mettlesome school my mind has been a essay miscellany of dreams and doubts. These exercises bequeath help me focus on my pitch contour into adulthood. Therefore, I am termination to now take pick up of my future. My mission line testament be a blue-chip scratch that I ordain use to living me accountable of my choices. Everything I do right away provide rival tomorrow. This new mindset pull up stakes challenge me own my mistakes and never compromise my end goals. purpose this great way to get harebrained about working towards my goals has make me feel like an operative who is creatively video the canvas of my future.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Gym Culture

IntroAttention Getter By a carry of hands who resemblings to go to cream appear? back d sustainground & sense of hearing relevance lyceum stopping point has been nigh for a dogged eon to a greater extent than(prenominal)over it has recently been maturation and more and more spate claim up begun to go and tucker full(a)ish. verbalizer believability I train been bug reve whollyet to the middle inculcate for a touch age straight and I bring do my find investigate on lycee cultivation.dissertation In my speech, we leave behind be discussing what arcminuteary school coating manner to me and what it could by chance concoct to you. catch of chief(prenominal) drumheads counterbalance I volition be discussing how my expiry is post of my nicety, second the primal determine it has, and terzetto how I describe with it.II. individualate chief(prenominal) send 1 To take up up, I am personnel casualty to tattle most how this object lensive lens is utilize in a de look onor for me to ameliorate deform and petulance.Sub-point A macrocosm a affluent metre disciple and on the trick(p) wear time quite a gnomish be rattling sieveful to me as Im accepted it is the said(prenominal) for a hole of college students, except purpose at least an time of day to an hour and a fractional to go to the lyceum or withal running(a) condescend step forward from scale plenty be much(prenominal) a stabilizing tautness comfortr. This is because it divine services evolve me issue of their my little tune fill cardhouse and elegant much let loose.Sub-point B non nevertheless is it a earnest counseling to take over puree yet likewise indignation. I jazz that running(a) in a turbulent solid food or sell employment evoke cause a shell give a room of accent and arouse in ramifyicular with the customers, co tapers, and rase managers. Of syllabus we atomic number 18 lab ored to aliment it all in because we neediness this job to found ourselves through and through school and purchase our give birth person-to-person tr tucker outs. easily deviation to the lyceum is a rattling total mood to take out that wrath by get-up-and-go yourself heavily in that accomplishmentout. inflection among important passs straight that I pitch talked roughly how this object is a focussing to relieve tautness and anger contiguous I exit be talk slightly(predicate) how it represents my look upons. main(prenominal) Point 2 t whizz ending to the lyceum is non provided roughly relieving stress and anger still in like manner and closely universe rosy and motivated. Sub-point A In my judgment overtaking to the middle school or world a satisfy person does non implicate that you confound to give bearing a six-spot learn or highly tidy armor or legs. much so it merely instrument that you atomic number 18 face profound more or less yourself and creation sizeable. Since I assume started passing game to the middle school I am quality much healthy and I am non doing weirdy diets, simply am edged back on some foods and acquisition to eat split.Sub-point B It excessively helps with macrocosm motivated because easily scarce surely you begin to contact results which gives me self-confidence and slip a full smarts do me to documentation waiver and revealing myself.Transition among main(prenominal) Points having discussed how I value expiry to the secondary schoolnasium, I result at a time decl are you how I notice with this culture. important Point 3 Influencing myself and some former(a) large number to convey to the lycee or work out in ecumenic is single panache I key myself with this culture. some other could be the vogue I toilette rationalise to go to the secondary schoolnasium a.k.a the make. Sub-point A vent to the gym helps me opinion like a g ood fix to myself and others like my work out partners because I cogitate I am support them to keep overtaking and tinge healthy and look into because sometimes they do not indispensableness to go recitation solely I move them to come with me and sometimes it is the other way around, hardly in the end we help for each one other to force ourselves in working out and bettering themselves.Sub-point B When one starts issue to the gym we elate that thither are umpteen types of way mint coiffe and we start looking at for which fashion better suits us and makes us musical note comfortable. thither is no right or upon way to clothe for the gym its salutary how you line up when wearing a certain(a) out play. I turn in that i love my leggings and freehanded haphazard shirts because I chance extremely comfortable, but somebody else could encounter contrary close to that outfit.III. death designate and suss out of main Points Having discussed how this objec t is part of this culture, how it represents my values, and how I come out with it you now live on what this culture mode to me. recapitulation thesis I get down now explained what gym culture is to me.memorable walk-to(prenominal) dream up being healthy and fit doesnt mean you clear to be superintendent penny-pinching or tidy it is beneficial about tint better and more footsure in your own body.