Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Chinese americans faceing discrimination in work and trade Essay

Chinese americans faceing discrimination in work and trade - Essay Example The first case was a judicial writ to the Supreme Court of the State of California while the second case was on appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for that district. The sheriff stated that the petitioner Yick Wo was found guilty by the Police Judges Court, No. 2 of not obeying the ordinances of the board of supervisors of that county and were rightly fined $10 and in case of non-payment, imprisonment for as many days as the fine amount in dollars according to the law. Now, let’s have a look at the ordinances. An order No. 1569 was passed on May 26, 1880, dictating the type of buildings where laundering activities may be carried. Section 1declared it mandatory to have the permission of the board of supervisors to run a laundry, exempting only brick and stone buildings from its preview. Section 2 declared it illegal to construct scaffolding for any purpose other than specified without taking permission from the supervisors. Further Section 3 of the Order provided with a punishment of one thousand dollars or six months jail or both to those found guilty of committing the offence. Another Order was passed on July 28,1880 bearing No. 1587. Sec. 68 of this Order declared it illegal to run laundry business within corporate limits of San Francisco without permission of board of supervisors except in a building made of brick and mortar. It was on record that the petitioner was a Chinese, living in California for the last twenty-two years. He had a license from the board of fire wardens. All concerned departments checked his premises OK. His license had run out on time and had to be renewed, permission of which was denied. There were at that time 320 laundries in the city of San Francisco, out of which 240 belonged to Chinese people. It was found that others were not prosecuted; only Chinese were discriminated to oust them from their dwellings where they were residing for the last many-many years and paying all taxes. This attitude was

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Changes in Representation of Teenagers in the Media Essay Example for Free

The Changes in Representation of Teenagers in the Media Essay Since the birth of the subculture teenagers, these stereotypically rude, rebellious and rowdy young adults have been included and represented in movies, plays and any other type of entertainment. In studying two separate films from two separate time frames, I have found that they depict teens in many different ways, although the root of their problems, values and attitudes are very much the same. This essay will explore and discuss these changes in representation, and will strive to discover the core reasons for this development. The two movies I have studied; Freedom Writers 2007, directed by Richard LaGrevense) and To Sir with Love (1967, directed but James Clavell), will be my main examples in this report, while also using other materials as backup evidence. Paragraph one will address how teenagers are represented today, and how they were in the past. Paragraph two will explore the reasons behind the differences in portrayal, and paragraph three will decide on whether or not this is a realistic representation of teenagers in society. Throughout the years, the ways teenagers have been depicted have changed ramatically in some areas, while staying completely the same in others. An example of this is the values of the teenagers in the two movies I have viewed. In To Sir with Love, the teenagers were valued relationships and being disrespectful, whereas in Freedom Writers, the teens valued respect and acceptance, but on the flip side, both movies represent the teenagers as rebellious, loud, hostile to those not of their social group, or those they do not accept, who are in search of an identity. These values and attitudes stem from broken homes and violence in both movies, as well as the want, nd in some cases need, for respect. No matter what decade you look at, you will find that this is a common basis of problems in the bulk of teenagers. In both movies, and many others beside, you will find that a majority of the teens have a problem with authority, and seek to disobey all powerful fgures at any possible time. Also, in almost all teenage movies, you have an antagonist, or one person who tends to make more trouble than the others. Sometimes its fairly obvious, an example being To Sir With Love, where the antagonist is clearly Denham (one of the students), but other imes it is not, an example being Freedom Writers, where there are certain students who make more trouble, but no defined antagonist. As you can see, over time values and attitudes may change, but the core root of where these problems have stemmed from does not. The main reason as to why the representation of teenagers has changed over time is because tha values and acceptances of the audience have changed dramatically. The media has to release entertainment suitable and appealing for its audience, otherwise it would receive no money because nobody is watching it. This means that Hollywood, and other people who make movies, must shape the content of their films as the values and interests of its viewers changes, so that it keeps the audience I have viewed are so different, is because the values and attitudes of the people in the decades they were released in were so different. For example, in To Sir with Love, there were almost no swear words, except for the occasional bleedin, whereas in Freedom Writers, there is a whole range of swear words used. This is but one example of the many differences in the representation of teenagers in movies. In my opinion, the way teenagers are depicted in the film world can be both realistic and unrealistic. Some examples of this in my two movies is the fact that To Sir With Love is a very sexist movie, which is a very real mirror image of London in the 60s (where it was set). Also, in To Sir With Love, it is very unrealistic that none of the kids swear, because the children of 1960 London would have sworn all the time. This also shows how the media shapes itself for the wants of its audience, as swearing on film was frowned upon. In conclusion, teenagers can be depicted in many different ways, as I have shown you n this essay, by use of examples, but the core root of their problems, as well as some values, attitudes and beliefs, tends to stay the same throughout the entire teenage history. In this report I have; addressed how teenagers are represented today and how they were in the past, explored the reasons behind the differences in portrayal and decided on whether or not this is a realistic representation of teenagers in society, also giving direct examples from the two movies I have done a study on; Freedom Writers and To Sir With Love.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The people’s opinion is directly pointing at well-known person Arthur :: Free Essay Writer

The people’s opinion is directly pointing at well-known person Arthur Radley, who is known as Boo Radley. Is it safe to have a â€Å"malevolent phantom† in Maycomb town? Many people’s opinions prove that having â€Å"Boo Radley† in our town is dangerous. Pragnesh Patel Staff reporter. According to Maycomb town’s citizens’ opinions it has been concluded that everybody should be aware of the other people living in their own town who can be â€Å"dangerous† for all. Its been heard that Boo is responsible for small-big crimes in town. Till now we haven’t noticed any major problem, but there are some possibilities about it. The people’s opinion is directly pointing at well-known person Arthur Radley, who is known as â€Å"Boo Radley†. From last 30 years no one has ever saw Arthur Radley in day, but there are some charges against him of creating disturbance at night. â€Å"Boo is a peeping Tom who sneaks out of his house and spies in people’s windows†, says Miss Stephanie Crawford. She also says that once she wake up in the middle of night and saw him staring at her through his window. Not so long ago when our town was terrorized by a series of morbid nocturnal events every person in town doubted on Radley’s for this events. Not only senior and adult people are known about Boo’s work, but even children are known and as well are afraid of this malevolent phantom. The children from school are afraid to eat nuts of Boo Radley’s house because they think that it might be poisonous. The other events that make Radley Boo dangerous are kind of familiar to us. About 30 years ago Boo locked Maycomb's beadle in an outhouse and drove an old car through the town square with his â€Å"gang†.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

High School and School Counseling Interventions Essay

Instructions: 1. Using this template, complete your article critique and submit this document to Blackboard. 2. Summary must include all five criteria: a. Introduction and rationale for the research b. Major strengths/weaknesses in the article. c. Summary of research outcome. d. Two methods of applying this research to practice. e. Conclusion 3. To begin your summary on the next page of this template insert a page break. Use APA formatting. School Counseling Outcome: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Interventions. Introduction and rationale for the research In the fields of counseling, education, and psychology, there has been a strong emphasis placed on evidence-based practices to determine the effectiveness of school counseling interventions. In this article, two types of Meta-Analysis interventions were used during this study. Meta-Analysis 1 involved treatment-control comparisons and Meta-Analysis 2 involved pretest-posttest differences. The overall average weighted effect size for school counseling interventions was . 30. This study determined how effective moderator variables influenced effect size of, guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services, and system support. Analyses of moderator variables are designed to determine the effectiveness of school counseling program activities in this article. Major strengths/weaknesses in the article The overall school counseling interventions produced an average effect size of . 30 which is significant. However, in this article, the average effect size of Meta-Analysis 2 intervention was not significant, only . 07. Previously research has found that meta- analyses using pretest-posttest typically produces a higher effect size compared to the more traditional treatment-control group comparisons. It’s difficult to determine the non-significant mean effect size for pretest-posttest meta-analysis. Additional analyses in the pretest and posttest form will need to focus on specific interventions and additional information regarding the effectiveness of specific strategies in school counseling. One of the common criticism of meta-analytic approaches is that studies with weak methodological rigor may artificially inflate average effect sizes(M. W. Lipsey,2003). M. W. Lipsey (2003) also argued that methodological moderator variables that often are assumed to be independent are not necessarily independent and carefully conducted meta-analytic reviews should explore methodological relationship patterns. The effect size of . 30 was based on 117 experimental studies that involved 153 interventions, which is a significant increase from the six studies used by Sprinthall (1981). Many more studies were conducted with elementary school students; however, school counseling interventions included in this meta-analysis appeared to be slightly more effective with middle or junior high students followed by high school students. Thus, these studies show a significant effect on school counseling interventions for all levels of K-12 education. There are also some limitations when meta-analytic techniques are used. The validity of effect size largely depends on the quality of studies that were included in the review. Some major limitations in school counseling research could not be addressed statistically. Also there are few studies that address the issues of treatment integrity. Only a handful of studies used treatment manuals or well-developed curricula. It was difficult for researches to determine what was effective because researchers could not determine what interventions were implemented with students. Another limitation was the elimination of 111 studies that had insufficient data or missing information. Another limitation from this article concerns the dominance of non-standardized outcome assessments in school counseling research. Meta-analysis also lacked long-term follow-up data. The lack of longitudinal data allows for the measurement and analysis of only short-term effectiveness. Another issue with meta-analysis research is that interventions focused mostly on specific interventions rather than comprehensive school counseling programs. There has been very few research studies conducted on comprehensive school counseling programs. Summary of research outcome. There were 118 studies that used meta-analysis 1, involving treatment-control comparisons and 153 school interventions; however, two studies were considered one study because of the same simple. Out of the 117 studies, 81 were published in journals and 36 were theses or dissertations. This meta-analysis study had 16,296 participants and the sample ranged from 8 to 5, 618, with the average study involving 139. 28 participants. From these studies, 50. 4% were elementary school students, 17. 9% were middle or junior high school students, and 24. 8% were high school students, and 6% had a mixture of ages, and one study did not report the age of the student participants. There was an overall weighted effect size of 27% for students that received school counseling intervention compared to those students that did not receive school counseling intervention. The average effect size was significant. Also, there were a total of 33studies that used meta-analysis 2, involving pretest-posttest design; however, two effect sizes were eliminated from one study. Therefore, 31 studies that involved 51 school counseling interventions were used. The effect sizes calculated from these 31 studies involved 2,015 participants and the average study involving 62. 97 students and the sample ranged from 9 to 283. Out of the 31 studies, 17 were published in journals, 13 were theses or dissertations, and one study was an ERIC document. From these studies, 29% involved elementary school students, 12. 9% were middle or junior high school students, and 54. 8% were high school students, and 3. 2% had a mixture of ages and grade levels. There was only a . 07% weighted effect size on pretest and posttest meta-analysis which indicates the average effect size was not significant. Two methods of applying this research to practice Firstly, my goal as an aspiring school counselor is to implement a comprehensive school counseling program for all students. I would provide a variety of interventions and activities using the four components of the delivery system of a school counseling program, guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services, and system support. I would then, conduct studies in my school, collecting data, and determine which services students and the school will benefit from the most. This will help me determine what type of programs and activities are most effective for our students and school. Secondly, I would consider taking additional research courses to prepare me to contribute to the knowledge base of school counseling, while conducting research projects related to school counseling. Simply, there needs to be more and better research in the area of school counseling. â€Å"Without additional empirical support, some schools may eliminate professional school counseling programs†(Erford, p 68). Conclusion. From this research on meta-analyses not all school counseling interventions were equally effective. Additional research is needed to examine the impact these studies had on students from diverse backgrounds. Although more research is often a recommendation after completing a meta-analysis (e. g. , Ehri et al. , 2001; Swanson, 1999; Whiston, Brecheisen,& Stephens, 2003; Xin, Grasso, Dipipi-Hoy, & Jitendra, 2005), we contend that lack of methodological rigor and dearth of studies make the calls for additional sound research in school counseling particularly important. Also, the issues of treatment integrity and increasingly use standardized outcome assessments will enhance future school counseling interventions. From this study, one would learn that additional research is needed, however, from this research; data shows that school counseling interventions have a positive effect size on student outcomes. Furthermore, there were significant effect sizes for interventions at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. School counselors’ were able to increase students’ ability to solve problems while decreasing discipline problems. However, the researchers were unable to identify specific programs or approaches that produce positive outcomes. Additional research is needed to address what interventions for school counseling works, with what students, and under what circumstances. References Erford, B. T. (2011). Transforming the school counseling profession (3rd Ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Whiston, Tai, Rahardja, and Eder. (Winter 2011 Volume 89). School Counseling Outcome: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Interventions. Journal of Counseling & Development , 37-55.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Coppola Film Style Essay

Francis Ford Coppola has produced many films over his career. Two of his films that have become very popular are The Godfather and Apocalypse Now! Coppola uses many of the same elements in his films. In particular he uses cross cutting, close ups, non-simultaneous sound, the element of innocence, and the importance of the music. By looking at The Godfather and Apocalypse Now! these elements are clearly represented. The element of cross cutting is used in The Godfather in the baptism scene. While Michaels niece is in the church and the priest is going over his vows of becoming her godfather the camera cuts between the killing of all the heads of the other mafia families. In Apocalypse Now! cross cutting is used when Wilard is killing Captin Kurtz. While Wilard is killing Kurtz the camera cuts between their blood bath in the temple to the religious ceremony outside that the Vietnamese are sacrificing what appears to be a water buffalo. Non-simultaneous sound is used in Apocalypse Now! when the American army is flying into a small Vietnamese village. The camera is focused on a small schoolhouse and in the background the sound of helicopter propellers spinning can be heard. As the helicopters near the village the kernel turns on an instrumental piece by Beethoven, which is supposed to scare the villagers. Another example of non-simultaneous sound is used in Apocalypse Now! when Wilard gets off the boat at the last spot before he enters Cambodia. The voice of a Vietnamese man can be heard shouting slurs at the Americans but the camera does not show him. One of the soldiers shoots in the direction where the voice is coming from and then there is nothing but silence. Even though the man is not shown the sound implies that he is dead. During the baptism scene in The Godfather non-simultaneous sound is used as well. As the heads of the families are being killed the voices from the church can be heard as Michael is accepting his vows of becoming the godfather. Footsteps echo through a separate hallway from the church as the camera focuses in on the alter at the church. Innocence is represented in The Godfather through Micheals character. In the beginning of the film he is completely separate from the ‘family business’.  He does not want anything to do with it. As the film continues on his father’s life is put in danger and he is almost killed. Michael stays by his side and protects him. By his actions of protecting his father he is inducted into the ‘family business’. Which results him in becoming the new head of his family. By becoming the godfather Michael looses his innocence because he has to kill people and participate in illegal activities. In Apocalypse Now! the element of innocence is represented by a small puppy. As Wilard and his crew are floating down the river in their boat they come across a Vietnamese family on a boat. They pull up alongside it and Wilard orders Cook to go inspect the boat to see if they are stowing any weapons on board. The woman on the boat made a quick movement and Wilard and his crew got scared and started shooting everywhere resulting in the death of the family that was on the boat. After the shooting stopped Cook realized that she was just trying to protect her little puppy that she had kept hidden. One of the other crew members decides to take the puppy on to their own boat and bring it along for the rest of their journey. The importance of score is represented in Apocalypse Now! while Cook is sitting on the boat and starts to make the radio call to bomb the area where Kutrz is staying. In the background the sound of drums are used to simulate the steps of feet approaching the boat. Another example is when the helicopters are flying into the Vietnamese village; the captain blasts a Beethoven song. The song ties into the scene perfectly because the composer is known to be very racist and while the song is playing the captain calls out many racial slurs. In The Godfather an example of useful score is when the film producer of a new movie is laying in bed and as the camera pans up to where he is sleeping the music in the background get louder and louder. When the producer wakes up he is covered in blood and he starts to scream which then turns into the baby in the mafia family crying. The element of close ups is another common element used by Coppola. In the Apocalypse Now! many close ups are used on Wilards face and eyes. These close ups are used to convey the emotions he has and to show how war is effecting his character. The intensity of Kurtz is also shown through the use of close ups. In the scene where he drops Cooks head in Wilards lap is  an excellent example of this. Kurtz approaches Wilard and the camera focuses on the expression on his face, Kurtz shows no emotion and just stares straight into the cameras eyes, he appears to be almost inhuman. Close ups are used in The Godfather to accentuate the importance of family as well as close ups on hands. The symbol of hands was to show that their family was in control of everything that happened. No one could deny them because all they would need to do is â€Å"make them an offer they couldn’t refuse.† The close ups to show the importance of family played through out the entire movie because their main goal was to keep business and family separate. Francis Ford Coppola used many common elements in his films such, cross cutting, close ups, non-simultaneous sound, the element of innocence, and the importance of the music. By watching The God Father and Apocalypse Now! these elements are clearly represented. Coppola has a clear film style that cannot be argued to exclude the elements of cross cutting, importance of music, close ups, and innocence. In any of his films one or more of these elements are used.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Uttarakhand and Its History Essays

Uttarakhand and Its History Essays Uttarakhand and Its History Essay Uttarakhand and Its History Essay UTTARAKHAND Uttarakhand (Sanskrit: , Uttarakhan? am ? , Hindi: , Uttarakhan? ?), formerly Uttaranchal, is a state in the northern part of India. It is often referred to as the Land of Gods (Hindi: , Dev bhumi ? ) due to the many holy Hindu temples and cities found throughout the state, some of which are among Hinduisms most spiritual and auspicious places of pilgrimage and worship. Known for its natural beauty and wealth of theHimalayas, the Bhabhar and the Terai, the state was carved out of the Himalayan and adjoining north-western districts of Uttar Pradesh on 9 November 2000, becoming the 27th state of the Republic of India. [2] It borders the Tibet Autonomous Region on the north, Nepal on the east and the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh to the south, Haryana to the west and Himachal Pradesh to the north west. The region is traditionally referred to as Uttarakhand in Hindu scriptures and old literature, a term which derives from Sanskrit uttara ( meaning north, and kha ( ) meaning country or part of a country. It has an area of 20,682 sq mi (53,566 km? ). In January 2007, the name of the state was officially changed from Uttaranchal, its interim name, to Uttarakhand. The provisional capital of Uttarakhand is Dehradun, which is also a rail-head and the largest city in the region. The small hamlet of Gairsain has been mooted as the future capital owing to its g eographic centrality but controversies and lack of resources have led Dehradun to remain provisional capital. The High Court of the state is in Nainital. Recent developments in the region include initiatives by the state government to capitalise on handloom and handicrafts, the burgeoning tourist trade as well as tax incentives to lure high-tech industry to the state. The state also has big-dam projects, controversial and often criticised in India, such as the very large Tehri dam on the Bhagirathi-Bhilangana rivers, conceived in 1953, the phase one of which has already been completed. 3] Uttarakhand is also well known as the birthplace of the Chipko environmental movement,[4] and other social movements including the mass agitation in the 1990s that led to its formation. Main article: History of Uttarakhand Ancient History The king of mountains Himalaya is said to consist of five segments i. e. , Nepal Kurmanchal, Kedar, Kangda and Ruchir Kashmir. This Mid Himalayan region ofGarhwal and Kumaon, which is commonly known as Uttarakhand today was called by the name KEDARKHAND and MANASKHAND in t he Purans. According to the famous Historian Mr. Shiv Prasasd Dabral taking the word Uttarapad andkhand from Kedarkhand formed the term Uttaranchal. This mountain region however is the same, which was once renowned in its snow-covered form during the Vedic era and sang the saga of glorious deeds of the kings, Saints and Ascetics of the time. It was referred to as Uttarpanchal by the compilers of the Upnishads, Uttarkaushal by Valmiki and Uttarkuru by Ved Vyasa who wrote the epic Mahabharata. It is the same place that was Uattarapatti for Panini and Kautilya; Kiratmandal for Kirats, Khashadesh for the Khas, Kartipur for Katayurs. It was Parvatkaran and Giryavali for the early historian and Uttaranchal or Uttarakhand of the present day politicians. The different parts of the Uttarakhand have been referred to asIlawarat, Brahmpur, Rudrahimalaya, Sapaldaksh, Shivalik, Kurmanchat Karajat Kamaugarh, Kamadesh, Kumaon, SarkarI and Garhwal lover the past 3000 years. The western part of this region that comprising of 52 fortresses has been referred to as Garhwal over past 500 years. Samprat, Chamoli, Pauri, Uttarkashi and Dehradun add to the pristine beauty of the Garhwal region. The eastern region comprising of Almora, Nainital and Pithoragarh districts together known as the Kumaon region. On account of security reason the government has for the past four decades considered only Chamoli and Pithoragarh districts as Uttaranchal, but for the residents of the Uttaranchal this entire hilly region covers an area of 51,125 sq. km and comprising of 15,951 villages, 89 developmental segments and some adjoining plains as signal geographic social and cultural Unit. The history of Uttaranchal State can be better understood through the history of Garhwal and Kumaon divisions separately, because they maintained independent identity except the period of Nepali aggression. Garhwal The Garhwal Himalayas have nurtured civilization from the wee hours of history. It appears to have been a favorite locale for the voluminous mythology of the Puranic period. The traditionai name of Garhwal was Uttarakhand and excavations have revealed that it formed part of the Mauryan Empire. It also finds mention in the 7th-century travelogue of Huen Tsang. However, it is with Adi Shankaracharya that the name of Garhwal will always be lhiked, for the great 8th-century spiritual reformer visited the remote, snow-laden heights of Garhwal, established a math Joshimath) and resorted some of the most sacred shrines, including Badrinath and Kedarnath. The history of Garhwal as one unified whole began in the 15th century, when king Ajai Pal merged the-52 separate principalities, each with its own garh or fortress. For 300 years, Garhwal remained one kingdom, with its capital at Srinagar (on the left bank of Alaknanda river). Then Pauri and Dehradun were perforce ceded to the Crown as payment for British help, rendered to the Garhwalis during the Gurkha invasion, in the early 19th century. Kumaon Humankind has been around in Kumaon for a very long time. Evidences of Stone Age settlements have been found in Kumaon, particularly the rock shelter at Lakhu Udyar. The paintings here date back to the Mesolithic period. The early medieval history of Kumaon is the history of the Katyuri dynasty. The Katyuri kings ruled from the seventh to the 11 th century, holding sway at the peak of their powers over large areas of Kumaon, Garhwal, and western Nepal. The town of Baijnath near Almora was the capital of this dynasty and a center of the arts. Temple building flourished under the Katyuris and the main architectural innovation introduced by them was the replacement of bricks with stone. On a hilltop facing east (opposite Almora), is the temple of Katarmal. This 900-year-old sun temple was built during the declining years of the Katyuri dynasty. The intricately carved doors and panels have been removed to the National Museum in Delhi as a protective measure after the 10th-century idol of the presiding deity was stolen. After an interregnum of a couple of centuries, the Chands of Pithoragarh became the dominant dynasty. The Chand rulers built the magnificent temple complex at Jageshwar, with its cluster of a hundred and sixty-four temples, over a span of two centuries. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the evocative carvings are complemented by the beautiful deodar forest around it. [edit]Geography Main article: Geography of Uttarakhand Uttarakhand has a total geographic area of 51,125 km? , of which 93% is mountainous and 64% is covered by forest. Most of the northern parts of the state are part of Greater Himalaya ranges, covered by the high Himalayan peaks and glaciers, while the lower foothills were densely forested till denuded by the British log merchants and later, after independence, by forest contractors. Recent efforts in reforestation, however, have restored the situation to some extent. The Himalayan ecosystem plays host to a large number of animals (including bharal, snow leopards, leopards and tigers), plants and rare herbs. Two of Indias largest rivers, the Ganges and the Yamuna originate in the glaciers of Uttarakhand, and are fed by myriad lakes, glacial melts and streams in the region. [17] Uttarakhand lies on the southern slope of the Himalaya range, and the climate and vegetation vary greatly with elevation, from glaciers at the highest elevations to subtropical forests at the lower elevations. The highest elevations are covered by ice and bare rock. Below them, between 3,000 and 5,000 metres (9,800 and 16,000 ft) are montane grasslands and shrublands: the western Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows. Temperate coniferous forests, the western Himalayan subalpine conifer forests, grow just below the tree line. At 3,000 to 2,600 metres (9,800 to 8,500 ft) elevation they transition to the temperate western Himalayan broadleaf forests, which lie in a belt from 2,600 to 1,500 metres (8,500 to 4,900 ft) elevation. Below 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) elevation lie the Himalayan subtropical pine forests. The Upper Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests and the drier Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands cover the lowlands along the Uttar Pradesh border. This belt is locally known as Bhabhar. These lowland forests have mostly been cleared for agriculture, but a few pockets remain. [18] Indian National Parks in Uttarakhand include the Jim Corbett National Park (the oldest national park of India) at Ramnagar in Nainital District, Valley of Flowers National Park and Nanda Devi National Park in Chamoli District, which together are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Rajaji National Park in Haridwar District, and Govind Pashu Vihar National Park and Gangotri National Park in Uttarkashi District. [show]Population Growth According to 2001 India census, Uttarakhand had a population of approximately . 48 million. A population exceeding 10 million is expected by the next census of 2011. The native people of Uttarakhand are generally called eitherKumaoni or Garhwali depending on their place of origin in either the Garhwal or Kumaon region. Another well known category is Gujjar, they were the rulers of a kingdom with capital at Landhaura and which covered the whole of todays Haridwar Distr ict. Gujjars King Raja Ramdayal Singh Panwar had helped the Tehri ruler against the Gorkhas and the Present MLA from Laksar in Haridwar is Kunwar Pranav Singh Champion is the descendant of that King. Gujjar is a dominant community of Haridwar District. Kumaoni and Garhwali dialects of Central Pahari are spoken in Kumaon and Garhwal region respectively. Jaunsari andBhotiya dialects are also spoken by tribal communities in the west and north respectively. The urban population however converses mostly in Hindi. Sanskrit has also official status in the state. Hindus form the majority of the population at 85. 0%, Muslims form 10. 5%, Sikhs 2. 5% and Christians, Buddhists, Jains and others about 0. 5%. It has male-female ratio of . 964 and has a literacy rate of 72%. The largest cities in the state include Dehradun (530,263), Haridwar (220,767), Haldwani (158,896),Roorkee (115,278) and Rudrapur (88,720). The state government recognizes 15,620 villages and 81 cities and urban areas. Historians of Kumaon and Garhwal say that in the beginning there were only three castes: Rajput, Brahmin and Shilpkar. Main occupation of Rajput wereZamindari and law enforcement. Occupation of Brahmins were to perform religious rituals in temples and religious occasions. Shilpkar were mainly working for rajputs, in their lands and were expert in handcrafts. The famous surnames Kalakoti, Chauhan, Bisht, Bhayera, Nainwal, Rawat, Dhapola, Rautela and Negiare used by Rajputs. Bahuguna, Bhatt, Naithani are some of the famous Brahmin surname, having a university by the name of Bahuguna in Pauri district of Garhwal. According to a 2007 study, Uttarakhand has the highest percentage of brahmins of any community in India, with approximately 20% of the population being brahmin. [20] [edit]Government and politics The present Chief Minister of Government of Uttarakhand is Mr. Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri. He was appointed as the sixth Chief Minister of Uttarakhand. Governor Margaret Alva administered the oath of office and secrecy to Khanduri, who returns to the top post two years after he was removed by the party after it lost all the five Lok Sabha seats in the 2009 general elections. The last state elections in Uttarakhand were held on 21 February 2007. TheBharatiya Janata Party emerged as the largest party with 34 seats in the 70-seat Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly. One seat short of forming a majority, the BJP have had to rely on support from the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal and three independents to form the government. The Indian National Congress is the official opposition, holding 21 seats. [edit]Chief Ministers of Uttarakhand ?Nityanand Swami ?Bhagat Singh Koshiyari ?Narayan Dutt Tiwari ?B C Khanduri ?Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank ?B C Khanduri [edit]Districts Districts of Uttarakhand Main article: Districts of Uttarakhand There are 14 districts in Uttarakhand which are grouped into two divisions, Kumaon and Garhwal. 4 more districts namely Didihat, Ranikhet, Kotdwar and Yamunotri were declared by the then CM of Uttarakhand, Ramesh Pokhariyal on 15 Aug 2011. However, these districts have NOT been created yet. The Kumaon division includes Six districts. ?Almora ?Bageshwar ?Champawat ?Nainital ?Pithoragarh ?Udham Singh Nagar Proposed Districts ?Didihat to be carved out from Pithoragarh ?Ranikhet to be carved out from Almora district The Garhwal division includes Seven districts. ?Dehradun ?Haridwar ?Tehri Garhwal ?Uttarkashi ?Chamoli ?Pauri Garhwal (commonly known as Garhwal) ?Rudraprayag Proposed Districts ?Kotdwar to be carved out from Pauri district ?Yamunotri to be carved out from Uttarkashi Four new districts were announced to be formed by the Chief Minister in his Independence Day speech, namely Kotdwar, Yamunotri, Didihat and Ranikhet. The total number of districts in the state will go up to 17. Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri is new chief minister of Uttrakhand. Khanduri take a oath on 11 september 2011. Ramesh pokhariyal resign from the post on the day 11 sept 2011. Now B. C. Khanduri is th 6th Chief minister of Uttrakhanad. [edit]Important cities CityPopulationDistrict Dehradun 7,78,593Dehradun Haridwar 3,24,372Haridwar Haldwani 2,76,942Nainital Roorkee 2,52,784Haridwar Kashipur 1,81,208Udham Singh Nagar Kotdwara 1,16,497Kotdwara Rudrapur 119281Udham Singh Nagar Rishikesh 75,020Dehradun(Mainly in Dehradun)/(Partly in)Haridwar/Tehri/Pauri Grahwal Pithoragarh 66378Pithoragrah Manglaur 65267Haridwar Ramnagar 47099Nainital Nainital 38560Nainital Almora 30613Almora Mussoorie 26069Dehradun Pauri 25400Pauri Garhwal Srinagar 19861Pauri Garhwal Gopeshwar 19855Chamoli Ranikhet 19049Almora Uttarkashi 16220 (2001)Uttarkashi Tanakpur 15810Champawat Khatima 14378Udham Singh Nagar Vikasnagar 12485Dehradun Bageshwar 7803Bageshwar Banbasa 7138Champawat District Karanprayag 6976Chamoli Champawat 3958Champawat Bhuwan Rudraprayag 2242Rudraprayag Devprayag 2144Pauri Garhwal Dharchula(District Pithoragarh) [edit]Economy The size of Uttarakhands Economy as measured by its Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) for 2011 (Financial year ending March 2011) is estimated at 775. 8 billion in current prices. Born out of the division of Uttar Pradesh, the new state of Uttarakhand produces about 12% of the output of the old Uttar Pradesh state. Consolidated Finvest and Holdings, a SP CNX 500 conglomerate has its corporate office in Uttarakhand. It reported a gross income of 137 million for 2005. [citation needed] In 2003, a new industrial policy for the state with generous tax benefits for investors was initiated that has led to a massive upsurge of capital investment. SIDCUL, the State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand has established seven industrial estates in the southern periphery of the state, while dozens of hydroelectric dams are being built in the upper reaches. However, hill development remains an uphill challenge as out migration of local peoples continues from the highland hinterlands. edit]Transport Uttarakhand is well connected with Rail, Road and Air modes of transport [edit]Airports ?Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun) ?Pantnagar Airport (Pantnagar) ?Naini-Saini (Pithoragarh) ?Uttarkashi ?Gochar (Chamoli) ?Agastyamuni (Heliport) (Rudraprayag) [edit]Tourism Leisure, adventure, and religious tourism play a prominent role in Uttarakhands economy, with theCorbett National Park and Tiger Reserve and th e nearby hill-stations of Nainital, Mussoorie, Almora,Kausani, Bhimtal and Ranikhet being amongst the most frequented destinations of India. The state also contains numerous peaks of interest to mountaineers, although Nanda Devi, the highest and best-known of these, has been off-limits since 1982. Other national wonders include the Valley of Flowers, which along with Nanda Devi National Park, form a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To Uttarakhand, long called abode of the gods (Devbhumi), belong some of the holiest Hindu shrines, and for more than a thousand years, pilgrims have been visiting the region in the hopes of salvation and purification from sin. Gangotri and Yamunotri, the sources of both the Ganges andYamuna fall in the upper reaches of the state and together with Badrinath (dedicated to Vishnu) andKedarnath (dedicated to Shiva) form the Char Dham, one of Hinduisms most spiritual and auspicious pilgrimage circuits. Haridwar, meaning Gateway to God is a prime Hindu destination. Haridwar hosts the Kumbha Mela every twelve years, in which millions of pilgrims take part from all parts of the India and the world. Rishikesh near Haridwar is known as the preeminent yoga centre of India. The state has an abundance of temples and shrines, many dedicated to local deities or manifestations of Shiva and Durga, references to many of which can be found in Hindu scriptures and legends. [21] The architecture of most of these temples is typical of the region and slightly different from other parts of India. The ancient temples at Jageshwar (a complex of 124 temples in a deodar woodland) are historically the most prominent for their distinct architectural features. Uttarakhand is, however, a place of pilgrimage not only for the Hindus. Hemkund nested in the Himalayas is a prime pilgrimage center for the Sikhs. Tibetan Buddhism has also made itself felt with the recent reconstruction of Mindroling Monastery and its Buddha Stupa, touted as the worlds highest,[22] southwest of Dehradun. The state has always been a destination for mountaineering, hiking and rock climbing in India. A recent development in adventure tourism in the region has been white water rafting and other adventures sports. Eco tourism, agritourism and rural tourism have also found new grounds in many villages of the state. [edit]Education Uttarakhand is home to several important educational institutions, including the oldest engineering colleges in Asia, the Indian Institute of Technology atRoorkee and Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture Technology in Pantnagar. Other universities and institutes of prime importance include,Indian Military Academy in Dehradun, Forest Research Institute in Dehradun, Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College in Pauri and Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat. Uttarakhand is home to several reputed and prestigious day and boarding schools including St. Josephs College Nainital), The Doon School (Dehradun),Welham Girls School (Dehradun), Welham Boys School (Dehradun), Marshall School (Dehradun), SelaQui International School (Dehradun), Brightlands(Dehradun), St. Josephs Academy (Dehradun), Woodstock School (Landour), St. Georges College (Mussoorie) Birla Vidya Mandir (Nainital), Sherwood College (Nainital), All Saints College (Nainital), St. Marys Convent (Nainital), Sainik School Ghorakhal near Bhowali and G D Birla Memorial School(Ranikhet). Several Indian luminaries have attended these schools including former prime ministers and film stars. Historically, Uttarakhand is believed to be the land where the Vedas and the Shastras were composed and the great epic, the Mahabharata, was written. Rishikesh is widely considered the Yoga capital of the world. [edit]Universities Garhwal and Kumaun Universities were founded in 1973 as part of the upsurge of regional sentiment that led to the Uttarakhand statehood. The most famous universities of Uttarakhand are: NameLocation Indian Institute of Management Kashipur Central UniversityKashipur Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Central UniversityRoorkee National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand Central UniversitySrinagar Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Central UniversityDehradun All India Institute of Medical Sciences from 2012 Central UniversityRishikesh Dakpather Degree Collage HNB UniversityDakpather Indian Institute of Management from 2012Central UniversityKashipur Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture Technology State UniversityPantnagar Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University Central UniversityTehri Garhwal, Srinagar Pauri Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College, Pauri Garhwal State Government Engineer CollegePauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat State Government Engineer CollegeDwarahat, Almora, Uttarakhand Kumaun University State UniversityNainital and Almora Uttarakhand Technical University State UniversityDehradun Doon University State UniversityDehradun University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Private UniversityDehradun Himgiri Nabh Vishwavidyalaya (University in the Sky)Private UniversityDehradun Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India(ICFAI) Private UniversityDehradun Forest Research Institute Deemed UniversityDehradun Himalayan Institute of Hospital Trust Deemed UniversityDehradun Graphic Era UniversityDeemed UniversityDehradun Gurukul Kangri University Deemed UniversityHaridwar University of Patanjali (Patanjali Yogpeeth)Private UniversityHaridwar Dev Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya Private UniversityHaridwar Uttarakhand Open University State UniversityHaldwani Gurukul Kangri UniversityHardwar Central Deemed UniversitySeemant Institute of Technology ,Pithoragarh(Uttarakhand Technical University)Sanctioned [edit]Leading colleges doon institute of engineering and technology (shyampur , rishikesh) ? Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee ?Indian Institute of Management Kashipur ?Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College, Pauri Garhwal ?Kumaon Engineering College ?Indian Institute of Remote Sensing ?Forest Research Institute ?Indian Military Academy ?Indian Institute of Petroleum ?Rashtriya Indian Military College RIMC ?University of Petroleum and Energy St udies ?Dehradun Institute of Technology ?Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University [edit]Entertainment Industry Although the entertainment industry of Uttarakhand is in its infant stage, yet there is a rapid growth in terms of audio visual entertainment. The pure folk seems to be disappearing from villages, so is the younger generation. Still there are many options one can get close to the folk music. Recently, in the honor of all who gave Bedupako Baramaasa folk tune an international fame and also to make Uttarakhand folk available all around the world 24X7, an online radio, which is one of the only and very first on-line radio of Uttarakhand available on web, was created by the name of bedupako.

Monday, October 21, 2019

self andsociety essays

self andsociety essays "self and society are two sides of the same coin" - To what extent is this true? "The self is the individual as known to the individual" (Murphy 1947). The self as defined by Murphy above shows a definition of the self described as in internal occurrence but this idea is then subject to outside contributions - family, friends, colleagues - society in which you live. The definitions of self all seem to highlight a reflective process to achieve its identification (looking inwardly to determine who I am?) but could this identification process be possible without societal interactions. This essay will examine the reciprocal relationship between the self and society and the theories and research into this relationship (however acknowledgement is made as to the breadth of this area of social psychology and has due to limited time and space decided to concentrate on self construction, gender and cultural influences). The self and its existence within society is a topic which is a topic which has engaged psychologists from the 1800s through to the present. The modern theories of the self still echo the teachings of William James, who first notioned towards the self's intrinsic dualism back in 1890. Perceptions of the self are split between two main ideas: firstly self -concept (James referred to this as the "Known") our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and secondly self-awareness (the "knower" or "I") the act of thinking about ourselves. These two aspect combine together to provide a unified self. "Your self is both (the) book...and also the reader of that book..." (Aronson). This concept of self is quite basic and is open to outside interactions and they the one sure thing which is liable to change how you view yourself - age. Investigations into children's changing self perception show this vividly. As children age their self concepts become more complex (as does their command of langua ge), more mature de...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

42 Must-Read Feminist Female Authors

42 Must-Read Feminist Female Authors What is a feminist writer? The definition has changed over time, and in different generations, it can mean different things. For the purposes of this list, a feminist writer is one whose works of fiction, autobiography, poetry, or drama highlighted the plight of women or societal inequalities that women struggled against. Although this list highlights female writers, its worth noting that gender isnt a prerequisite for being considered feminist. Here are some notable female writers whose works have a decidedly feminist viewpoint. Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966) Russian poet recognized both for her accomplished verse techniques and for her complex yet principled opposition to the injustices, repressions, and persecutions that took place in the early Soviet Union. She wrote her best-known work, the lyric poem Requiem, in secret over a five-year period between 1935 and 1940, describing the suffering of Russians under Stalinist rule. Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) Feminist and transcendentalist with strong family ties to Massachusetts, Louisa May Alcott is best known for her 1868 novel about four sisters, Little Women, based on an idealized version of her own family. Isabel Allende (born 1942) Chilean-American writer known for writing about female protagonists in a literary style known as magical realism. Shes best known for novels The House of the Spirits (1982) and Eva Luna (1987). Maya Angelou (1928-2014) African-American author, playwright, poet, dancer, actress, and singer, who wrote 36 books, and acted in plays and musicals. Angelous most famous work is the autobiographical I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969). In it, Angelou spares no detail of her chaotic childhood. Margaret Atwood (born 1939) Canadian writer whose early childhood was spent living in the wilderness of Ontario. Atwoods most well-known work is The Handmaids Tale (1985). It tells the story of a near-future dystopia in which the main character and narrator, a woman called Offred, is kept as a concubine (handmaid) for reproductive purposes. Jane Austen (1775-1817) Jane Austen was an English novelist whose name did not appear on her popular works until after her death. She led a relatively sheltered life, yet wrote some of the best-loved stories of relationships and marriage in Western literature. Her novels include Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1812), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma  (1815), Persuasion (1819) and Northanger Abbey (1819). Charlotte Brontà « (1816-1855) Charlotte Brontà «s 1847 novel Jane Eyre is one of the most-read and most-analyzed works of English literature. The sister of Anne and Emily Bronte, Charlotte was the last survivor of six siblings, the children of a parson and his wife, who died in childbirth. Its believed that Charlotte heavily edited Annes and Emilys work after their deaths. Emily Brontà « (1818-1848) Charlottes sister wrote arguably one of the most prominent and critically-acclaimed novels in Western literature, Wuthering Heights. Very little is known about when Emily Brontà « wrote this Gothic work, believed to be her only novel, or how long it took her to write. Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) First African American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize, she earned the award in 1950 for her book of poetry Annie Allen. Brooks earlier work, a collection of poems called, A Street in Bronzeville (1945), was praised as an unflinching portrait of life in Chicagos inner city. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) One of the most popular British poets of the Victorian era, Browning is best known for her Sonnets from the Portuguese, a collection of love poems she wrote secretly during her courtship with fellow poet Robert Browning. Fanny Burney (1752-1840) English novelist, diarist, and playwright who wrote satirical novels about English aristocracy. Her novels include Evelina, published anonymously in 1778, and The Wanderer (1814). Willa Cather (1873-1947) Cather was an American writer known for her novels about life on the Great Plains. Her works include O Pioneers! (1913), The Song of the Lark (1915), and My Antonia (1918). She won the Pulitzer Prize for One of Ours (1922), a novel set in World War I. Kate Chopin (1850-1904) Author of short stories and novels, which included The Awakening and other short stories such as A Pair of Silk Stockings, and The Story of an Hour, Chopin explored feminist themes in most of her work. Christine de Pizan (c.1364-c.1429) Author of The Book of the City of Ladies, de Pizan was a medieval writer whose work shed light on the lives of medieval women. Sandra Cisneros (born 1954) Mexican-American writer is best known for her novel The House on Mango Street (1984) and her short story collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories (1991). Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) Recognized among the most influential of American poets, Emily Dickinson lived most of her life as a recluse in Amherst, Massachusetts. Many of her poems, which had strange capitalization and dashes, can be interpreted to be about death. Among her most well-known poems are Because I Could Not Stop for Death, and A Narrow Fellow in the Grass. George Eliot (1819-1880) Born Mary Ann Evans, Eliot wrote about social outsiders within political systems in small towns. Her novels included The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), and Middlemarch (1872). Louise Erdrich (born 1954) A writer of Ojibwe heritage whose works focus on Native Americans. Her 2009 novel The Plague of Doves was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Marilyn French (1929-2009) American writer whose work highlighted gender inequalities. He best-known work was her 1977 novel The Womens Room. Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) Part of the New England Transcendentalist movement, Margaret Fuller was a confidant of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a feminist when womens rights were not robust. Shes known for her work as a journalist at the New York Tribune, and her essay Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) A feminist scholar whose best-known work is her semi-autobiographical short story The Yellow Wallpaper, about a woman suffering from mental illness after being confined to a small room by her husband. Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965) Lorraine Hansberry  is an author and playwright whose best-known work is the 1959 play A Raisin in the Sun. It was the first Broadway play by an African-American woman to be produced on Broadway. Lillian Hellman (1905-1984) Playwright best known for the 1933 play The Childrens Hour, which was banned in several places for its depiction of a lesbian romance. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) Writer whose best-known work is the controversial 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909) New England novelist and poet, known for her style of writing, referred to as American literary regionalism, or local color. Her best-known work is the 1896 short story collection The Country of the Pointed Firs. Margery Kempe (c.1373-c.1440) A medieval writer known for dictating the first autobiography written in English (she could not write). She was said to have religious visions which informed her work. Maxine Hong Kingston (born 1940) Asian-American writer whose work focuses on Chinese immigrants in the U.S. Her best-known work is her 1976 memoir The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. Doris Lessing (1919-2013) Her 1962 novel The Golden Notebook is considered a leading feminist work. Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007. Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950) Poet and feminist who received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923 for The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver. Millay made no attempts to hide her bisexuality, and themes exploring sexuality can be found throughout her writing. Toni Morrison (born 1931) The first African-American woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1993, Toni Morrisons best-known work is her 1987 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved, about a freed slave haunted by her daughters ghost. Joyce Carol Oates (born 1938) Prolific novelist and short-story writer whose work deals with themes of oppression, racism, sexism, and violence against women. Her works include Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? (1966), Because it is Bitter, and Because it is My Heart (1990) and We Were the Mulvaneys (1996). Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) Poet and novelist whose best-known work was her autobiography The Bell Jar (1963). Sylvia Plath, who suffered from depression, also is known for her 1963 suicide. In 1982, she became the first poet to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize posthumously, for her Collected Poems. Adrienne Rich (1929-2012) Adrienne Rich  was an award-winning poet, longtime American feminist, and prominent lesbian. She wrote more than a dozen volumes of poetry and several non-fiction books. Rich won the National Book Award in 1974 for Diving Into the Wreck, but refused to accept the award individually, instead sharing it with fellow nominees Audre Lorde and Alice Walker. Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) English poet known for her mystical religious poems, and the feminist allegory in her best-known narrative ballad, Goblin Market. George Sand (1804-1876) French novelist and memoirist whose real name was Armandine Aurore Lucille Dupin Dudevant. Her works include La Mare au Diable (1846), and La Petite Fadette (1849). Sappho (c.610 B.C.-c.570 B.C.) Most well-known of the ancient Greek women poets associated with the island of Lesbos. Sappho wrote odes to the goddesses and lyric poetry, whose style gave name to Sapphic meter. Mary Shelley (1797-1851) Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley  was a novelist best known for Frankenstein, (1818); married to the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley; daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) Suffragist who fought for womens voting rights, known for her 1892 speech Solitude of Self, her autobiography Eighty Years and More and  The Womans Bible. Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) Gertrude Steins Saturday salons in Paris drew artists such as Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Her best-known works are Three Lives (1909) and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933). Toklas and Stein were longtime partners. Amy Tan (born 1952) Her best-known work is the 1989 novel The Joy Luck Club, about the lives of Chinese-American women and their families. Alice Walker (born 1944) Alice Walkers best-known work is the 1982 novel The Color Purple, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Shes also famous for her rehabilitation of the work of Zora Neale Hurston. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) One of the most prominent literary figures of the early 20th century, with novels like Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse (1927). Virginia Woolfs best-known work is her 1929 essay A Room of Ones Own.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Particular Place of Residence of a Person Research Paper

A Particular Place of Residence of a Person - Research Paper Example The process of area classification is done through the clustering or grouping of geographical units by the use of particular methods. Cluster analysis borrows largely from clustering algorithms but is instead much more than the mere grouping of the objects. Therefore, to successfully run a cluster analysis will require a series of particular steps, which involve multiple decisions across all the stages. At this point, there is no wrong or right answer to most of the decisions that are made in the process. Every decision in the stages will, therefore, give its own alternative results. As a result, the different decisions gathered could be appropriate or not appropriate depending on the classification that is to be created. There are seven steps involved a successful running of the cluster analysis. Each step in the framework represents a very important decision point that is imperative for the smooth running of the cluster analysis (Harris and Webber, 2005). It is suggested that the u ser of the method should be in a position to correctly recognize all the important and critical decisions involved and their individual influences on the results (Everett and Leese, 2001). At this point, it becomes important to clearly distinguish between the conventional cluster analysis and the clustering method. Clustering method connotes the simple process by which the clusters are actually formed (Everett and Leese, 2001). On the other hand, cluster analysis is much elaborate and implies the wider series of steps that have to be followed in order to finish the whole analysis.

Macbeth, compare and contrast with someone current Essay

Macbeth, compare and contrast with someone current - Essay Example She persuades Macbeth to kill the king so that he can ascend the throne. However, Macbeth is troubled by the fact that the Witches had also predicted that Banquo, Thane of Lochaber, would become the father of kings. So, one murder leads to others, and Banquo is also killed. Macduff-the Thane of Fife's-family is then murdered by Macbeth. Ultimately, Macbeth teeters on the edge of insanity, being haunted by Banquo's ghost, and his Lady has bouts of sleepwalking in which she talks of having blood on her hands. Macbeth is finally defeated and killed, a victim of his own unbridled ambition and refusal to temper it with ethicality. His unethical acts also arise as a result of his wife's collusion and open encouragement. Bill and Hillary are one of the most powerful couples of modern times. He was the President of the US for eight years (1993- 2001), and she the First Lady; if her attempt to become the President in 2008 meets with success, this would give them an indelible place in the history books-a couple who were at the helm of affairs in a country that plays a leading part in controlling world events-for 12 years or even more. Bill Clinton has had a successful political career, having been the Governor of Arkansas and later on the President of the US.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organization's Compensation and Benefit Plan Research Paper

Organization's Compensation and Benefit Plan - Research Paper Example As the discussion stresses one of the factors that makes them successful at it would be providing their employees not only with the minimum wage, social security contributions for each employee, whether a non-exempt or exempt, and the FUTA or the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, which most companies adhere to as it is mandated by law; they also provide more opportunities for success for their employees such as the entrepreneurial opportunities for its protein-boosted managers. We all know that a lot of companies look at applicants in a bad light once their working record reveals a short-term service in their past workplaces because of their desire for career growth. However, the Jamba Incorporation has a different mindset on this one. For them, this is a good sign from an employee that has a lot of potentials to be an asset to a company, having the ability to possess utmost ownership in the business, which results in increased responsibility and loyalty. Thus, they provide entrepreneuri al opportunities to their managers by giving them a percentage of the store’s cash flow for a bi-period, depending on how they run a certain branch’s business. Aside from that, they give credit to their general managers’ ability to increase their yearly sales by giving them money that accrues in a retention account which stretches over a three-year period.This paper highlights that once the manager has served the Jamba Incorporation for three years, the bonus is immediately paid to them. Another bonus their employees enjoy would be that when a general manager completes a three-year term and decides to sign another three additional years with an employee, he or she is given a three-week paid sabbatical which is not charged against their vacation leaves while general managers can look forward to $1,000 bonus if he or she is able to promote an assistant manager to general manager. All this is an application of the principle of providing â€Å"benefits in kind or b onuses,† which means that as an employee gets his or her monthly wage which is taxable, a company can practice a retention system by providing bonuses in cash such as these in exchange of a business they close for the company which is not taxable. This indeed has created a generation of employees that are motivated to do more and be at their best all the time. Another great compensation plan that Jamba awards its employees is that they provide all their managerial employees with stock options.

Organizational Structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Structures - Essay Example Adversarial communication can be solved by making flatter hierarchal structures so that communication channels don’t get distorted via the long hierarchy structures of the organisation. Competition for internal resources can be solved by managing by forming team structures within the employees so that a healthy competitive environment is maintained (Robbins and Judge 2007). The steps for managing the transition from the old organizational structure to the new would be a very challenging process. Handling employees and motivating them to accept the change in a positive manner has to be critically dealt by the manager. The employees need to be shown the positive side of the change in organizational structure so that they realize the advantages of this structure and hence except the change. In the transition stage of the change in organizational structure, there will be resistance faced from the employees in adapting the new structure and the new reporting lines of the hierarchy. Also if managers reduce the span of control under each division then also the work processes of the organisation can be controlled in an efficient manner (Robbins and Judge 2007). The change needs to be taken calmly by the manager and the manager needs to assure the employees that the change is being done for the betterment of the organisation. Kurt Lewin’s change theory needs to be applied that states the first stage is Unfreeze that is inform the employees about the change, then implement the change, and then finally refreeze the employees at that stage (Thompson and Strickland 2003). The external business environment may cause complications for the business at start as the business would be under the process of experiencing organizational structure change. Nevertheless, the manager needs to speed up the process, adapt in a fast manner to the external business conditions and delegate the appropriate authorities to the subordinates

Thursday, October 17, 2019

3(S) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

3(S) - Essay Example sis, human resource management is a very important element in a business or public organization, as it will ensure that the organization under consideration has highly skilled and efficient employees. This in turn will make the organization to serve its customers in an efficient manner, leading to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization under consideration. The government of the United Arabs Emirates has realized on the importance of human resource management. In a bid for the government of the United Arab Emirates to decrease unemployment, and increase the efficiency of its work force, the government has come up with a series of policies aimed at addressing these issues (Werner and DeSimone, 2012). One such policy is the emiratisation of the country’s economy. The government of UAE developed this program, in order to train the citizens of the emirates to be highly competitive employees, and this is through the introduction of a good education system, and sponsoring seminars and trainings that focus on the abilities, skills, and competencies that are needed by employers in the Emirates (Yamamoto, 2013). The intention of this program is to recruit nationals who are in the private and public sector in a manner that is efficient and meaningful. Since the inception of this program, the public sector has made great steps in making this program a success. However, the private sector hasn’t made any progress, with statistic indicating that the citizens of UAE only occupy 0.5% of the total workforce in the private sector. Based on this background, the goal of this paper is to develop an efficient human resource strategy for the government of the UAE. This paper aims at achieving this goal by analyzing the various human resource strategies of the UAE, identifying their weaknesses and strengths. This paper mainly concerns itself with analyzing the emiratisation program of the UAE, and this is because it is the main human resource strategy of

Communication between Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots Essay

Communication between Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots - Essay Example The essay "Communication between Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots" talks about the skill needed to properly fly an aircraft, much less to properly land it. What looks so simple from a passenger's point of view is in fact much more difficult than it looks. It would thus be worth examining exactly how air transport works. The most common conception pertaining to the airport is that it is the structure through which airplanes are able to convey travelers and goods to their destination, though it would be more accurate to ascribe such a term to the personnel involved. These individuals are the ones who are responsible for making sure that air travel is as smooth and as safe as possible through the implementation of a myriad of complex processes and directives. There are a number of factors essential to the efficient management of the airport, such as flight profile, airlines, handling agents, customs, security, catering, ground transportation, passageways, and runways. The first of the se generally refers to standard operating procedures adhered to during the operation of an aircraft, namely pre-flight, take off, departure, en route, descent, approach, and landing. Pre-flight refers to the part up till the plane taxiing on the runway, during which the pilot submits his flight plan to whoever is in charge. The signal for takeoff is given following the approval of the flight plan, with aircraft taking off one after the other. This is done in order to ensure that one plane is well off the ground. by the time the other is taxiing up the runway8. Following takeoff is the departure phase, wherein the pilot activates the aircraft's transponder in order to both receive incoming signals and broadcast its own, providing its controller with the relevant information9. The subsequent en route phase then has the aircraft subject to careful monitoring by the departure controller, while descent, as the name implies, is when the aircraft is beginning to descend and approach its de stination10. Finally, the landing phase has the airplane touching down before taxiing to the gate and coming to a complete stop. The airport is also affected by the airlines who operate there and are responsible for the conveyance of passengers and goods11. Handling agents also come into play, especially when it comes to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

3(S) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

3(S) - Essay Example sis, human resource management is a very important element in a business or public organization, as it will ensure that the organization under consideration has highly skilled and efficient employees. This in turn will make the organization to serve its customers in an efficient manner, leading to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization under consideration. The government of the United Arabs Emirates has realized on the importance of human resource management. In a bid for the government of the United Arab Emirates to decrease unemployment, and increase the efficiency of its work force, the government has come up with a series of policies aimed at addressing these issues (Werner and DeSimone, 2012). One such policy is the emiratisation of the country’s economy. The government of UAE developed this program, in order to train the citizens of the emirates to be highly competitive employees, and this is through the introduction of a good education system, and sponsoring seminars and trainings that focus on the abilities, skills, and competencies that are needed by employers in the Emirates (Yamamoto, 2013). The intention of this program is to recruit nationals who are in the private and public sector in a manner that is efficient and meaningful. Since the inception of this program, the public sector has made great steps in making this program a success. However, the private sector hasn’t made any progress, with statistic indicating that the citizens of UAE only occupy 0.5% of the total workforce in the private sector. Based on this background, the goal of this paper is to develop an efficient human resource strategy for the government of the UAE. This paper aims at achieving this goal by analyzing the various human resource strategies of the UAE, identifying their weaknesses and strengths. This paper mainly concerns itself with analyzing the emiratisation program of the UAE, and this is because it is the main human resource strategy of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Training and Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Training and Development - Research Paper Example gic resources that can provide rare competitive advantages to organizations, while the human capital theory argues that the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities of human resources are essential factors of economic-value production in firms (Hamid, 2013, p. 187). Garcà ­a (2005) studied the relationship between training policies and business performance for a sample of Spanish organizations across different industries. She proposed that training policies have inherent features of durability, transmission possibility, and replication and transparency potential that can affect stakeholder satisfaction and firm productivity (Garcà ­a, 2005, pp. 1694-1695). Garcà ­a (2005) followed the universalist approach in testing her four hypotheses. This approach is already widely used and is appropriate to her analysis of multiple firms in diverse industries. The questionnaire on training policy determined the following: (1) functions of the training services; (2) training policy objectives; (3) nature of training (proactive versus reactive); and (4) training evaluation (Garcà ­a, 2005, pp. 1699-1700). The four hypotheses of the study were the following: These hypotheses determine the relationships between training and worker satisfaction, client satisfaction, shareholder satisfaction, and firm productivity. While other studies focus on training-productivity relationships (Dearden, Reed, & Van Reenen, 2006), this study underscores the importance of other dependent variables in measuring training success. This article used a survey research design that targeted the population of Spanish firms with at least 100 employees. Garcà ­a (2005) conducted a multi-sectoral study and used the services industry as a control group because its large population may skew the results of the survey (p. 1699). A postal survey was mailed to human resource managers of 420 firms in 1998, wherein 78 provided valid responses, which means that the study had a response rate of 18.57%. For data

Monday, October 14, 2019

Boeing Vs. northrop Essay Example for Free

Boeing Vs. northrop Essay In March 2002, the US airforce selected Boeings KC-767 on the grounds that it had clearly demonstrated the abilities to meet their requirements. The United States Airforce (USAF) in their acceptance statement brought out four points that they cited as being behind their decision (CBS News, 2008). The Boeings design was designated KC-767A and was included in DODs 2004 model designation report. Approximately 100 KC-767 tankers were leased from Boeing for the air refueling program. Even though the refueling program was in place in many countries in the US, many had questions about its effectiveness and cost implications especially the idea of leasing crafts which may never have any buyer once the lease period was over. This argument brought forward by senator McCain was however countered by the number of US allies who were more than willing to buy their used crafts (CBS News, 2008). The congressional budget office was next in line as they criticized the budget stressing on its fiscal irresponsibility (United States Government Accountability Office, 2008). This led to the striking of a deal where the state would buy 80 KC-767 and lease twenty (United States Government Accountability Office, 2008). However, in December of 2003, the pentagon announced that the project had to be frozen due to a corruption allegation brought against one of its former staffer (CBS News, 2008). Furthermore, documentations that proved that the A330 based tankers were more suited to the task specifications of the airforce were more cost effective relative to Boeing tankers were found (CBS News, 2008). The scandal led to the sentencing of the culprit who pleaded guilty to corruptions and led to the resignation of Boeings CEO. Donald Rumsfeld in 2006 announced the cancellation of the KC-767A leases as a measure aimed at cutting the costs and a redefinition of the USAF mission (United States Government Accountability Office, 2008). The defense secretary further stated that the move will not in any way affects the mission of the KC-767A as the upgrade of the KC-135s fleets will help in moving towards the goals (United States Government Accountability Office, 2008). However, the development did no affect the relationships between Boeing and its other customers. The development were however short lived and Boeing and Northrop were soon back in the ring fighting for a big defense contract. The basis of Boeings arguments was that the KC-30 was more versatile and had a large furl capacity than the KC-135 that were being used by the airforce. The KC-135 was developed by Boeing who were bidding for an airforce contract against their nemesis Northrop Grumman . The latter won this round of battle as the departments of defense announced that it has won the tender to procure 179 new KC-45A tankers (Online News Hour, 2008). The Boeing company almost immediately took to the Government Accountability Office and filed a protests claiming the evaluation of its KC-30 was unfair (Online News Hour, 2008). Boeing further claimed that its refueling tanker could easily be reconverted to a passenger plane compared to Northrops version as shown in the Air forces post decision briefing. According to Boeings vice president they had more strengths than their competitors was all he heard from the post decision briefing. Boeings protests led to a review of the selection process by the accountability office which forced Northrop to freeze the project which it had already allocated $ 35 billion (Online News Hour, 2008). Northrop Grumman executives are on the other hand highlighting the irresponsibility involved in freezing a critical project to the development of the military for expensive lobbying in the congress that will inevitably lead to a change of the decisions made by the airforce (Online News Hour, 2008). Northrop Grumman executives further claim the decision is ironic since they put their best efforts in ensuring that the airforce receives a products that they consider the best in consideration of the design (Online News Hour, 2008). They are pushing for the public knowledge of the facts of what they represents and what they are not. The congress was divided sharply on this issue and so was the general public. Boeing supporters claim that the Northrop Grumman design was a basic passenger airbus plane (Online News Hour, 2008). A Kansas congress man was cited claiming that the decisions made by the airforce was a bad one as the airforce as it has bend backwards to deal with a French company (Online News Hour, 2008). Boeings die hards near its main production facility claimed that it is the only true tanker manufacturers and a mistake had been made (Online News Hour, 2008). A Washington senator supported this point of view and claimed that offering a military contract to a foreign company was suicidal and would incapacitate Americas ability to develop their own fleet if they should ever pull out of the deal (Online News Hour, 2008). An Alabama state senators is of a different view and approached the subject from a resource allocations view point (Online News Hour, 2008). People near Northrop are bound to benefit more that those near the Boeing plants and therefore there senators have opinions that display their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the resource allocations (Online News Hour, 2008). She further states that there have to be losers and winner either way (Online News Hour, 2008). The Boeing group further accuse the airforce of a change in parameter in order to accommodate the design put up by Northrop Grumman so as to ensure two bidders are present (Online News Hour, 2008). Even though many are of the view that the airforce was trying to lock out Boeing due to the scandals it previously had, Boeing executives were of the view that was not the case as the specifications that were asked by the airforce were changed considerably to ensure Northrop was in the race (Online News Hour, 2008). They further claim that the large sized tanker proposed by the Northrop was a liability and only countries not interested in their taxi ways would allow for such aircrafts. The Northrop group however counter this argument by stating that their design is more sophisticated and has advantages that are yet to be seen (Online News Hour, 2008).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Centre of Mass Impact on Roll of Dice

Centre of Mass Impact on Roll of Dice Harrison Back In physics, the centre of mass is defined as The unique part in an object or system which can be used to describe the systems response to external forces and torques (Center of Mass, It references the overall average mass of an object and assigns that average to a point on or within the object, usually near the centre. This can be seen in Figure 1. Changing the location of the centre of mass affects how the object reacts to external forces. This can be seen though the objects rotational axis. An objects rotational axis is the theoretical line drawn through an object to show how it will rotate. Unless an axle is deliberately created, an object will attempt to rotate around its centre of mass. This can be shown in Figure 2. As pictured, the bats centre of mass is closer to the end than it is the handle. As the path it draws as it circles through the air traces the travel of the centre of mass, the bat appears to spin around in an erratic manner. The path drawn shows the bat circling its rotational axis, which is in the same position as its centre of mass. Another result of the location of the centre of mass of an object is its stability. The closer to the ground an objects centre of mass is, the susceptible to being tipped over it is. This is why professional fighters always recommend you get down low to the ground. In order for an object to successfully be tipped over, its centre of must be moved to a position in front of the base of an object. This can be seen in Figure 3. When it comes to (fair) dice, the centre of mass is in the exact centre of the object. This means all the faces are equidistant from it. The result of this is, after a roll, every face has equal opportunity to come up. However, if the centre of mass is moved from the geographical centre of the dice, then the axis of rotation is changed, and the dice is no longer fair. This is known as weighting the dice, as it is done by making one face effectively heavier than another, causing the opposite face to roll more frequently. In the following experiment, the degree to which weighting two dice affects their average roll. The centre of mass of a cube with uniform density is at the geographical centre of the cube. Because of this, only relatively simple math is necessary to locate it. If the dice edge length is equal to 10 centimetres, then the following reasoning would indicate the geographical centre: a2 + b2 = c2 52 + 52 = 7.0712 52 + 7.0712 = 8.6602 This means that the diagonal length between two opposite corners is equal to 8.66 centimetres, and as the geographical centre falls at the midway point on that line, the centre of mass for that object would be exactly 4.33 centimetres along the longest diagonal line. As the dice being discussed in this experiment are 1cm3, the above calculations can be scaled back by one decimal place to give an end result of 0.433cm along the diagonal line. Unfortunately, these calculations only hold true in the situation where the object has uniform density. As melting the dice will change the density throughout the dice, it is nearly impossible to find the exact centre of mass of the adjusted dice, as one would need to know exactly how dense any portion of the dice is. As the centre of mass is moved further from the middle of the dice, the effectively lighter face will roll upwards more often than not.       Firstly, two six-sided dice were rolled 100 times by the same person to record a baseline to compare against. The same dice were used throughout the experiment for consistencys sake, and the same person rolled the dice every time so as to keep a relatively continuous roll style. After this control was set, the dice were placed one side-down on an oven tray, so as to make that side heavier and thus theoretically cause a six to be rolled more frequently. They were then moved into an oven which had been preheating at 180 ° Celsius for five minutes and left to bake for an additional five minutes. These times were chosen because, in the case of the former, five minutes provided adequate time for the oven to get to temperature, while also not expending unnecessary time, and in the case of the latter, 5 minutes supplied ample time for the dice to become viscous enough to change their centre of mass, while still maintaining a somewhat cubic shape. Of course, they couldnt be expected t o remain perfectly cubic, however, they were to remain cubic enough that they could be easily mistaken as such by a casual onlooker. After the heat treatment, the same dice were rolled by the same person 100 times and the average roll was determined. This was then compared against the initial control group and a conclusion was drawn thusly. .Average: 3.46 Average: 3.22 Unexpectedly, melting the dice so as to lower their centre of mass did not yield the expected result. In fact, even though it was expected that the melted dice would roll a six more frequently, the opposite occurred instead; ones were rolled more frequently than before the melting. This can be seen through the lowered average after the melting, from 3.46 to 3.22. Every piece of background research would suggest that lowering the centre of mass would cause that side to roll downwards more frequently. This means that it was most likely not a flaw in the hypothetical realm, rather one in the practical. The various uncontrollable variables, as well as recommendations should this experiment be repeated, will be discussed further below, in the Evaluation portion of this report. There were many instances in this experiment which could have corrupted the results and caused the hypothesis to not be supported. These include, but are not limited to, the fact the dice were melted by a relatively uncontrollable heat source, the method by which they were rolled, the surface on which they were rolled, and the fact that the dice were not preserved perfectly as they were during the time between the initial, pre oven rolls, and the final, post oven rolls. As the only apparatus available for use with melting dice that was available was a standard kitchen oven, its use could have caused unexpected results. The temperature was not perfectly monitored; rather it was presumed to be approximately 180 ° Celcius. The surfaces the dice were rolled on varied between their pre-oven and post-oven states. Before they were melted, the dice were rolled on a hard, synthetic laminate, while, afterward, they were rolled onto a softer, malleable desk mat made from fabric and a pla stic polymer. This could have resulted in differing roll averages, as the softer surface absorbed more kinetic energy from the falling dice, thus reducing the duration of their roll. During the time between where the dice were unchanged and where they were, they were kept in one of three places. These included a compartment in a school bag, the pocket of a pair of formal pants, and open on a glass desk. This resulted in the dice being moved frequently, interacting and possibly reacting with surrounding elements, as well as each other. The throes of everyday wear could very well have caused minute damages and changes in the dice which could have lead to inaccurate results from them.In summary, if this experiment were to be replicated, several changes would have to be made to the methodology. Firstly, a finely controlled and monitored oven would have to be used. This would result in a more deliberately variable melt; one could precisely decide how much the dice should be exposed to th e heat. Also, a robotic arm should be used in place of a human one. The dice should have specific receptacles by which their roll begins the exact same way every time, and the arm (while still having some degree of variability) would be far more specific with its rolling method. The dice should remain in an airtight, pressurised container. This would function to keep the dice in as pristine condition as possible, and reduce interaction with eroding compounds to a minimum. The dice should be rolled onto a specific surface, and its properties should be closely documented and monitored. Lastly, the experiment should be done in one sitting, as prolonging it increases the risk of a change occurring in any of the many points of failure throughout the procedure. As a result of the experiment being performed in such imprecise ways, the results were different to what was expected. However, as is the case with many high school science experiments, the necessary precision required for this kind of procedure caused inaccuracies in the experimental process and resulted in an unsupported hypothesis. As the background research supported the aforementioned hypothesis, the only plausible fault is as a result of the imperfect nature of the experiment. Work Cited   Ã‚   (Center of Mass)Center of mass. N.p., 2017. Web 8 Feb. 2017 (Center Of Mass)Center Of Mass. N.p., 2017. Web 1 Mar. 2017 (Torque And Angular Momentum | Physics | Science |Khan Academy)Torque And Angular Momentum | Physics | Science |Khan Academy. Khan academy. N.P., 2017. Web. 1 Mar. 2017 (, 2017), (2017). Why is the center of mass important in physics> | Socratic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2017]. (, 2017) (2017). BBC GCSE Bitesize Science Moments : Revision, Page 4. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Centre of mass. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2017]

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Solar-Powered World Essay examples -- Environment, Energy Resources,

A Solar-powered World Since the beginning of the war against environmental contamination, it has been the job of engineers to come up with solutions to this problem. Waste management regulations, material recycling and recursion to renewable energy resources have been some of the many brilliant ideas engineers have emerged with to take control of the situation. Of these three, the use of renewable energy resources has meant to be the most complicated of the solutions to repair the damage done to nature. The generation of energy has always been of concern to humanity and so it demands to be studied rigorously. Here is when questions about solar radiation appear over the table of many scientists. With all of its mysteries and power, the sun has shown its potential to be a reliable source of renewable energy. The question is: how can engineers take advantage of the energy that comes from the sun? In order to wisely exploit solar energy, engineers must execute precise arrangements in solar energy systems. Primarily, engineers should be able to identify what kind of solar configuration is the best for harnessing solar energy. First, engineers must explore what advantages each solar energy system can provide. This step is crucial for understanding the potential of sunlight in the renewable energy world. Most researchers in the field of renewable energy name, at least, two fundamental types of solar energy system configurations: flat-plates and concentrators (Balat 981, Higgins 26 and Hepbasli et al. 556). In their works, these researchers describe each type of configuration as equally suitable to convert solar radiation; nevertheless, they encourage the use of flat-plates for photovoltaic conversions and concentrator for solar-the... ... the factors that shape the performance of such systems. For instance, engineers must pay close attention to the type solar energy system configuration as well as the type of material they choose for the task, so they will ensure maximum efficiency and satisfaction. Also, engineers must find reliable ways to store and manage the energy that has been already converted, without letting aside the new technologies and applications they could destine to that energy. Finally, engineers must come together to figure out how they could make solar energy systems a true adversary for fossil fuels, so they could free society of such damaging fuel. In summary, engineers have the capability of imposing solar energy systems as a reliable energy source or let it be forgotten. Either of both will be a reflect of how they manage the technology and on what they focus to handle it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

urfews are popular

Youth curfews are popular. In poll after poll, Americans support laws that restrict teenagers' activities during certain hours of the day and night. Youth curfews are also logical. If youngsters are getting into trouble, it makes sense to get them off the streets. Yes because most crimes are usually committed at night.. teens can be used as an easier target for adult predators.. less people to witness things at night Why Curfews Are a Good Thing Kids certainly need their freedom, but how much freedom?Some parents today are so worried about being friends with their kids that they forget hese young folks need guidance and structure in order to survive on their own later in life. There is nothing wrong with setting a curfew for a teen under the age of 18. The overarching goal of a curfew is protection, both of the teens as well as the community itself. According to youthright. org curfews are very effective in protecting minors from hazards such as, â€Å"drunk drivers, drug dealers an d stalkers/rapists that scuffle around the streets at night. Obviously a curfew won't keep a teenager out of trouble during the day time, but that is not their purpose. Curfews for minors play a big role in keeping them out of situations that can lead to them getting into trouble. Teens should have curfews because teenagers get into more trouble without them. Research shows that 59% of teens get in trouble at night rather than during the day. That's more than half, teens will be better having a curfew and not getting in trouble at night. Not only so, but also most teens get into car accidents late at night.There is one chief danger on the road that curfews aim to protect teenagers from and that is drunk drivers. There are thousands of accidents every year involving drunk drivers. It is best that we keep our young and inexperienced drivers off the road during this dangerous time of night. Essentially, with a curfew they won't be out on the roads late at night and they will get into l ess car accidents. Curfews help keep both teens and adults safe. It can be unsafe having teens roaming around without an adult after certain hours.Curfews would keep kids off the streets late at night. If they are home, and not out on the streets, there isn't the temptation to do something risky that will et them into trouble. Also if teens are at home they are safe from the very dangerous threats of drug dealers, talkers, and rapists. This is a very real threat because the naive youth of today are often the targets of these criminals in todays society. Having a curfew in place would significantly cut down on the chances of this happening.Keeping our children safely asleep at home. With curfews in place, the lifespan for our teens would increase. Teens should have curfews because teenagers seem to get into more trouble without them. If they are with friends then they may be empted to do things that are not okay. In the nighttime, it is more likely for teens to go out and cause troub le, or make trouble for themselves. In a group of cities that took a poll, over half agree that a curfew is a good idea and that it is effective if it is followed.The curfew helps keep teens out of trouble because they cannot be out causing trouble for others or themselves. Without a curfew, there would be many more case of crimes involving teens. Keeping kids off the streets would cut down on crimes such as vandalism and destruction ot prope Even though curtews can be ard to enforce, it is important that police officers make sure they are followed. Ninety Percent out of a group of cities interviewed agreed that police officers should enforce curfews.If they do not, the curfew will not be followed and teens can be out at whatever time they want. Having teens out at night can sometime be a bad thing because of the dangers they are susceptible to and the trouble they can more easily get into during the night time. Keeping teens at home during the night can help stop any trouble that i s caused mostly during the night. Although it is sometimes hard for olice officers to make sure curfews are followed, it helps make their Job much easier. Without teens being out at night, not as much trouble is caused.Late night parties are not as much of a worry to police officers or parents of teens. These parties cannot start if teens have a curfew to follow. Ninety three percent of cites interviewed agreed that curfews help stop these kinds of parties from starting. In conclusion more than half of the crimes committed by teenagers take place at night, so curfews would also help cut down on the overall likelihood of teenagers committing crimes. Curfews would also protect others from the dangerous things that teen do at night.Most importantly curfews contribute greatly to keeping teens safe from criminals such as drunk drivers, rapists, and kidnappers. A curfew is, in my mind, the best way for a parent and teen to build trust. The more the teen fallows the curfew the later or mor e lenient the curfew will become. In a good relationship the curfew soon is done away with because the parents know and trust that their child will be safe and know when to come home and when it is the right time to leave said party or friends house.When it comes to rebellious acts and the lot if the parents start early with the curfew then it will become more habitual for the teen. The only really troubling aspect of this is the friends of the teen. If they have a later curfew the teen will be torn between their friends and their parents. The best way to stop this is to ask why the teen what some of their friends have for curfews and negotiate and later time. This makes the teen see the parents and curfew in a more positive light and the parents now know that their teen will be home for sure.